

The Angular-Opium generator

A Yeoman generator for AngularJS and Opium.

Opium is an OCaml-based micro-framework. For AngularJS integration with other micro-frameworks, see https://github.com/rayokota/MicroFrameworkRosettaStone.


Install Git, node.js, and OPAM. The development mode also requires SQLite.

Install Yeoman:

npm install -g yo

Install the Angular-Opium generator:

npm install -g generator-angular-opium

The above prerequisites can be installed to a VM using the Angular-Opium provisioner.

Creating an Opium service

In a new directory, generate the service:

yo angular-opium

Install dependencies (Mirage ORM and Opium).

opam install orm opium

Build the service:

corebuild -pkg opium,cow.syntax,orm.syntax main.native

Run the service:


Your service will run at http://localhost:3000.

Creating a persistent entity

Generate the entity:

yo angular-opium:entity [myentity]

You will be asked to specify attributes for the entity, where each attribute has the following:

Files that are regenerated will appear as conflicts. Allow the generator to overwrite these files as long as no custom changes have been made.

Build the service:

corebuild -pkg opium,cow.syntax,orm.syntax main.native

Run the service:


A client-side AngularJS application will now be available by running

grunt server

The Grunt server will run at http://localhost:9000. It will proxy REST requests to the Opium service running at http://localhost:3000.

At this point you should be able to navigate to a page to manage your persistent entities.

The Grunt server supports hot reloading of client-side HTML/CSS/Javascript file changes.