

guihua Guihua: A Lua Gui and util library for nvim plugins


This cool screen shows an external terminal running lazygit and an external floating window running guihua listview

More screen shot please refer to Navigator.lua

Please refer to test file of how to use it

Lua OOP is powered by middleclass fzy is powered by romgrk fzy-lua-native with modified version of sorter/quicksort to sort list of tables


Plugin has implementation of fzy with both ffi and native lua. If you like to try ffi please run make


 use {'ray-x/guihua.lua', run = 'cd lua/fzy && make'}


  -- default mapping
  maps = {
    close_view = '<C-e>',
    send_qf = '<C-q>',
    save = '<C-s>',
    jump_to_list = '<C-w>k',
    jump_to_preview = '<C-w>j',
    prev = '<C-p>',
    next = '<C-n>',
    pageup = '<C-b>',
    pagedown = '<C-f>',
    confirm = '<C-o>',
    split = '<C-s>',
    vsplit = '<C-v>',
    tabnew = '<C-t>',

  -- default icons for panel
  -- will be tbl_deep_extend() if you override any of those
  local icons = {
    panel_icons = {
      section_separator = '─', --'',
      line_num_left = ':', --'',
      line_num_right = '', --',

      range_left = '', --'',
      range_right = '',
      inner_node = '', --├○',
      folded = '◉',
      unfolded = '○',

      outer_node = '', -- '╰○',
      bracket_left = '', -- ⟪',
      bracket_right = '', -- '⟫',
    syntax_icons = {
      var = ' ', -- "👹", -- Vampaire
        method = 'ƒ ', --  "🍔", -- mac
        ['function'] = ' ', -- "🤣", -- Fun
        ['arrow_function'] = ' ', -- "🤣", -- Fun
          parameter = '', -- Pi
            associated = '🤝',
      namespace = '🚀',
      type = ' ',
      field = '🏈',
      interface = '',
      module = '📦',
      flag = '🎏',

  maps = {
    close_view = '<C-x>',


Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua', {'do': 'cd lua/fzy && make' }

Usage: check the test files on how the api is used.