


Get Stats of Covid-19 cases world wide

Get started

You can start using my Bot by clicking here CoronaWorldStatsBot

You can now <b>Share any location</b> and get the stats of the shared location,

Below are few countries where you get more detailed stats

If you share any location which inside

<b>1)India</b> get statewise and district-wise stats,
<b>2)USA</b> get statewise and county wise stats,
<b>3)Germany</b> get statewise stats,
<b>4)Netherlands</b> get statewise and Gementee wise stats,
<b>5)Japan</b> get statewise stats,
<b>6)Russia</b> get statewise stats,
<b>7)UK</b> get statewise stats,
<b>8)Spain</b> get statewise stats,
<b>9)Australia</b> get statewise stats,
<b>10)Canada</b> get statewise stats,
<b>11)Brazil</b> get statewise stats,
<b>12)France</b> get Département stats,
<b>13)Italy</b> get statewise stats,
<b>14)Mexico</b> get statewise stats,
<b>15)Malaysia</b> get statewise stats,
For all other countries get just country wise stats,
<b>Just point the pin on the map and share it</b>

Install all the dependencies listed in requirement.txt

I am using Google Cloud Platform instance to host the bot.

API used to collect data are from below:

To get Geo location I am using:

Sample TimeLine Plot

A sample plot is shown as below:

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