

QKW | Generalizing Aliasing

Simplify navigation, alias CLI command sequence nuances, annotate, add help-strings, etc¶

The purpose of this application is to tag anything with a label and, use it to retrieve the associated data for other applications. Data is stored as:

	<label> : 





For example:

In different linux flavors, one might be repeating identical functionality in different environments. One of the first things a user would like to do is to have their bashrc configured with their personal set of commands.

Sourcing the tags opensuse.bashrc, and ubuntu.bashrc would readily setup your environment. The data for OS specific environments are in the command tables.


Getting Started

Manual contains information about use cases, and all the available options.

QuickStart guide helps you get started with using the basic commands.

Installation (Ubuntu/Debian)

git clone https://github.com/ravijanjam/qkw.git
cd qkw

apt-get update
apt-get install -y git gcc g++ pkg-config cmake make
apt-get install -y libsqlite3-dev libyaml-cpp-dev
python3 checktools.py
make build
make install
make clean

Setup the environment variable

export QKW_CONFIG=/etc/qkw-data/qkw-config.yaml

Start the program and check the default tables userdata.db has two tables dir_1, and cmd_1

# get version info
qkw -v

# list all tables
qkw -T -lA 

# man pages
man qkw

The basic tables used to store the data

CMD tables

DIR tables


Category : CLI tools, productivity, bash utility, aliasing, labeling, sqlite, g++, commandline, documentation, docstring