


<h2>Prototype pollution scanner using headless chrome</h2>

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What this is

Plution is a convenient way to scan at scale for pages that are vulnerable to client side prototype pollution via a URL payload. In the default configuration, it will use a hardcoded payload that can detect 11 of the cases documented here: https://github.com/BlackFan/client-side-prototype-pollution/tree/master/pp

What this is not

This is not a one stop shop. Prototype pollution is a complicated beast. This tool does nothing you couldn't do manually. This is not a polished bug-free super tool. It is functional but poorly coded and to be considered alpha at best.

How it works

Plution appends a payload to supplied URLs, naviguates to each URL with headless chrome and runs javascript on the page to verify if a prototype was successfully polluted.

how it is used

questions and answers