


Qt5 (Widgets) Emoticon library and plugins.

Since its pure Qt code you can use it on almost any platform.


How-To Build

git clone 
cd qrwemoticons
git submodule update --init --recursive

Build with QtCreator or manually with qmake and make.

How-To Use

Link your application against the QrwEmoticons library. For a usage example see the "example-app" project.

The emoticons plugins are loaded from the "emoticons" folder in Qt's plugin search locations. For example create a "emoticons" folder next to your application binary or in the Qt installation directory and copy the plugins there.

Update scripts

Emoticons .qrc files

In case of an update of emoticons of a provider (e.g. submodule update) the qrc files have to be updated accordingly.

To do so run the generate_emoticon_qrc.py python script in the plugin source directory.

For example:

cd plugin-google
python ../scripts/generate_emoticon_qrc.py --provider google --dir noto-emoji --filename emoticons_google
Emoticons unicode data

In case the unicode data table needs to be updated (can be downloaded from https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html) run the generate_emoticon_data.py python script (inside the script directory)

python generate_emoticon_data.py -d data > ..\lib\src\QrwEmoticons_data.cpp

Known issues

Unfortunately Qt's SVG rendering capabilities are not mature enough to render Google Noto-Emoji icons properly. Only known workaround is stepping back in the noto submodule to a certain commit when rendering was still working.


CreativeCommons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
