


A C++20 cross-platform game framework, with emphasis on addressing pain points in existing game engines. Notable features:

  1. Fast Parallel ECS, with support for querying by base class
  2. Multithreaded physics simulation
  3. 3D spatial audio, including room reverbation modeling
  4. Automatic memory management handled via reference counting, no garbage collector
  5. GPU-driven render engine that supports modern rendering APIs (Metal, DirectX 12, Vulkan)
  6. Fully-programmable GPU particle system, supporting both arbitrary meshes and billboarded sprites
  7. Physically-based lighting model
  8. Author shaders in vanilla GLSL
  9. Declarative user interface system based on HTML and CSS
  10. Support for SVGs in the UI and for textures
  11. Built-in multiplayer networking system
  12. FSM animation blending tree system
  13. Compute shader mesh skinning with automatic batching
  14. Programmable audio effect processing system
  15. AR/VR support via OpenXR integration
  16. CI/CD-friendly build process powered by CMake
  17. Quality-of-life features like automatic incremental shader compilation
  18. Integrates with GPU debugging tools (Xcode Metal Debugger, RenderDoc, PIX, NSight)

A complete list of third party technologies can be found in the deps folder.

Note: RavEngine does not have a graphical editor.

This is an early alpha

Expect bugs and frequent breaking changes. Do not use in serious projects.

Integrating and building

Use CMake:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23)


# set output dirs


add_subdirectory("RavEngine") # configure the engine library

# configure your executable like normal
file(GLOB SOURCES "src/*.cpp" "src/*.hpp" "src/*.h")
add_executable("${PROJECT_NAME}" ${SOURCES})
target_link_libraries("${PROJECT_NAME}" PUBLIC "RavEngine" )  # also adds header includes
target_compile_features("${PROJECT_NAME}" PRIVATE cxx_std_20)  # require C++20

# inform engine about your different assets
file(GLOB objects "objects/*.obj" "objects/*.fbx")
file(GLOB textures "textures/*")
file(GLOB shaders "shaders/*.vsh" "shaders/*.fsh" "shaders/*.csh")
file(GLOB fonts "fonts/*.ttf")
file(GLOB sounds "sounds/*.ogg")
file(GLOB uis "${sample_dir}/ui/*.rml" "${sample_dir}/uis/*.rcss")
pack_resources(TARGET "${PROJECT_NAME}" 
   OBJECTS ${objects}
   SHADERS ${shaders}
   TEXTURES ${textures}
   UIS ${uis}
   FONTS ${fonts}
   SOUNDS ${sounds}

# fixup macOS / iOS / tvOS bundle
   fixup_bundle(\"${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/$<CONFIGURATION>/${PROJECT_NAME}.app\" \"\" \"\")
   COMPONENT Runtime

Then build with CMake as normal. Other notes:

Supported platforms

PlatformArchitectureCompilerCMake GeneratorRendering API
macOS 12+Intel, Apple SiliconApple ClangXcodeMetal
iOS 16+Device + Simulator*Apple ClangXcodeMetal
tvOS 16+Device + Simulator*Apple ClangXcodeMetal
visionOS 2D 1+ (WIP)Device + Simulator*Apple ClangXcodeMetal
Windows 10+ (Win32)x86_64, aarch64MSVCVisual Studio, NinjaDX12, Vulkan
Windows 10+ (GDK)x86_64MSVCVisual StudioDX12, Vulkan
Windows 10+ (UWP)x86_64, aarch64MSVCVisual StudioDX12
Xbox Series (UWP)x86_64MSVCVisual StudioDX12
Linuxx86_64, aarch64Clang, gccNinja, MakeVulkan
Android (WIP)x86, x86_64, arm64-v8a, arm7aNDK ClangNinja, Make, Android StudioVulkan
Emscripten (Early WIP)WebAssemblyemccNinja, MakeWebGPU

* Simulator support is build-only. RavEngine uses GPU features that the simulator does not support.

System Requirements for Developers


CPU16 threads4 cores
GPU-Any with DX12, VK 1.3, or Metal 3
Disk-SSD w/ 40GB free space

Note that for end users the minimum system requirements are much lower


Example programs

View a respository with code samples here: https://github.com/RavEngine/Samples