

npm npm

Please Note!

This is the previous version that works with Vue 1.x. The most up-to-date version is the Vuetable-2. If you like it, please star the Vuetable-2 repo instead, or make a small donation to support it.

This version is "no longer supported" as I do not have time to maintain different version.

vuetable - data table simplify!

vuetable is only working for Vue 1.x, vuetable-2 is for Vue 2.x

If you're looking for the version that's working with Vue 2.x, please go to vuetable-2 repo. However, I still have no time to work on the documentation. But if you're familiar enough with vuetable, it shouldn't be any much different. Look at the what's changed for info on changes from version 1 and the upgrade guide on how you could upgrade from version 1.

Note on vue-resource version

vuetable internally uses vue-resource to request data from the api-url. Prior to v1.5.3, vuetable uses vue-resource v0.7.4 and it retrieves the returned data from response.data object. However, since v0.9.0 the response.data has been renamed to response.body. vuetable v1.5.3 onward has been updated to use vue-resource v1.0.2.

This will cause problem with vuetable to display no data because the expected object key is no longer existed and some other related problems as discussed in #100.

If you're using vue-resource in your project and the version is 0.9+, please upgrade to use vuetable v1.5.3.

Breaking Changes




##Live Demo

What is vuetable?

vuetable is a Vue.js component that will automatically request (JSON) data from the server and display them nicely in html table with swappable/extensible pagination sub-component. You can also add buttons to each row and hook an event to it


Please note that all the examples show in here are styling using Semantic UI CSS Framework, but vuetable should be able to work with any CSS framwork including Twitter's Bootstrap. Please read through and see more info below.

You do this:

    <div id="app" class="ui vertical stripe segment">
        <div class="ui container">
            <div id="content" class="ui basic segment">
                <h3 class="ui header">List of Users</h3>
	    new Vue({
	        el: '#app',
	        data: {
	            columns: [
	            itemActions: [
	                { name: 'view-item', label: '', icon: 'zoom icon', class: 'ui teal button' },
	                { name: 'edit-item', label: '', icon: 'edit icon', class: 'ui orange button'},
	                { name: 'delete-item', label: '', icon: 'delete icon', class: 'ui red button' }
	        methods: {
	            viewProfile: function(id) {
	                console.log('view profile with id:', id)
	        events: {
	            'vuetable:action': function(action, data) {
	                console.log('vuetable:action', action, data)
	                if (action == 'view-item') {
	            'vuetable:load-error': function(response) {
	                console.log('Load Error: ', response)

And you get this! image

Since I'm mainly using Semantic UI as my default CSS Framework, all the css styles in vuetable are based on Semantic UI. If you're using Twitter's Bootstrap css framework, please see documentation in the Wiki pages.



//vue-table dependencies (vue and vue-resource)
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/vue/1.0.28/vue.js"></script>

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue-resource/1.3.4/vue-resource.common.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/vue.table/1.5.3/vue-table.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/vue.table/1.5.3/vue-table.js"></script>


$ bower install vuetable


$ npm install vuetable

Vueify version for Browserify and Webpack

Just import or require like so,

// firstly, require or import vue and vue-resource
var Vue = require('vue');
var VueResource = require('vue-resource');

// secondly, require or import Vuetable and optional VuetablePagination component
import Vuetable from 'vuetable/src/components/Vuetable.vue';
import VuetablePagination from 'vuetable/src/components/VuetablePagination.vue';
import VuetablePaginationDropdown from 'vuetable/src/components/VuetablePaginationDropdown.vue';

// thirdly, register components to Vue
Vue.component('vuetable', Vuetable);
Vue.component('vuetable-pagination', VuetablePagination)
Vue.component('vuetable-pagination-dropdown', VuetablePaginationDropdown)

You can combine the second and third steps into one if you like.

You need to explicitly register the pagination components using Vue.component() (instead of just declaring them through the components: section); otherwise, the pagination component will not work or swappable or extensible. I guess this is because it is embedded inside vuetable component.

Direct include

Just import the vue-table.js after vue.js and vue-resource.js library in your page like so.

	<script src="js/vue.js"></script>
	<script src="js/vue-resource.js"></script>
	<script src="js/vue-table.js"></script>

Then, reference the vuetable via <vuetable> tag as following

	<div id="app">

		new Vue({
			el: '#app',
			data: {
				columns: [

For more detail, please see documentation in the Wiki pages.

<a id="browser_compat"></a>

Browser Compatability

As I use Chrome almost exclusively, it is gaurantee to work on this browser and it SHOULD also work for other WebKit based browsers as well. But I can't really gaurantee that since I don't use them regularly.

However, vuetable will NOT WORK on Internet Explorer (even IE11) due to the use of <template> tag inside <table> according to this. In order to make it work with CSS framework table styling, I have to preserve the use of <table> and <template> tag inside it.

It seems to work just fine in Microsoft Edge though. Anyway, if you find that it does not work on any other browser, you can let me know by posting in the Issues. Or if you are able to make it work on those browser, please let me know or create a pull request.

<a id="contribute"></a>


Any contribution to the code (via pull request would be nice) or any part of the documentation (the Wiki always need some love and care) and any idea and/or suggestion are very welcome.

However, please do not feel bad if your pull requests or contributions do not get merged or implemented into vuetable.

Your contributions can, not only help make vuetable better, but also push it away from what I intend to use it for. I just hope that you find it useful for your use or learn something useful from its source code. But remember, you can always fork it to make it work the way you want.


Run npm install

Then make sure, you have installed browserify:

# npm install browserify -g

You might need root access for running the above command.

Then you can simply run the build script included in the root folder:

$ ./build.sh

This will compile the vue components in the src directory to one file in the dist folder.

You might want to get a minified version, in this case run this:

$ ./build.sh production

For developement it's useful when it's not needed to recompile manually each time you make a change. If you want this convenience first install watchify globally:

# npm install watchify -g

then run

$ ./build.sh watch

Now each time you make a change, the source will be recompiled automatically.

<a id="license"></a>


vuetable is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.