

Ratepay GmbH - Shopware Payment Module


ModuleRatepay Module for Shopware
Shop Version5.5.0 - 5.7.x
Full Documentationclick here
Legal Disclaimerclick here


via packagist (recommended)

This is only possible if you use the composer setup of shopware

  1. execute composer require ratepay/shopware5-module in your project directory
  2. Log into your Shopware-backend
  3. Install & configure the module

via Shopware store (or GitHub release download)

  1. Download the plugin from the Shopware store
  2. Upload it via the Plugin Manager or put it into the folder custom/plugins/RpayRatePay
  3. Log into your Shopware-backend
  4. Install & configure the module


please have a look into plugin.xml

Shopware CLI Commands

You can use the Shopware CLI to perform operations on Ratepay orders.

All commands have the same structure:

./bin/console ratepay:<operation> <order> [<orderDetail>] [<qty>] 
operationone of deliver, return, cancelYes
orderthe order id, order number or the transaction id of the orderYes
orderDetailthe detail id or detail number which has to be performed. If not provided, all items of a order will be selected.<br>Use shipping to perform the action on the shipping costs.No
qtythe quantity which has to be performed. If not provided, the original ordered quantity will be usedNo

example operation deliver

all elements of the order (with the id 125) will be delivered

./bin/console ratepay:deliver 125

example operation return

2 elements with item-number SW0001 of the order (with the transaction-id 54-214XXXXXX2133) will be returned

./bin/console ratepay:return 54-214XXXXXX2133 SW0001 2

example operation cancel

all elements with item-number SW0001 of the order (with the order-number 200012) will be canceled

./bin/console ratepay:cancel 200012 SW0001

Request services

There are a three request services registered in the container:

Usage of the request services

Get the request service via dependency injection. The id of the service is the classname (symfony 3 style)

perform just a few products

use \RpayRatePay\DTO\BasketPosition;

$orderDetail = [ instance of \Shopware\Models\Order\Detail ]
$order = [ instance of \Shopware\Models\Order ]

$basketPosition = new BasketPosition($productNumber, $qty);
$basketPositions[] = $basketPosition;

$basketPosition = new BasketPosition($productNumber, $qty);
$basketPositions[] = $basketPosition;


$basketPositions[] = new BasketPosition(BasketPosition::SHIPPING_NUMBER, 1);
$response = $requestService->doRequest();

If you want to deliver/cancel/return the shipping costs of an order, you need to provide shipping as a string as $productNumber. The $qty must be 1. You must not call setOrderDetail() on the $basketPosition.

Please note that you always have to call setOrderDetail() if you want to deliver/cancel/return a product or voucher, except the shipping costs.

perform full action

If you want to do a full deliver/cancel/return, just call the following:

$order = [ instance of \Shopware\Models\Order ]
$response = $requestService->doFullAction($order);

(already delivered/returned/canceled items will be ignored.)


you will get an \RatePAY\Model\Response\AbstractResponse or a boolean as response.

If you get an AbstractResponse, just call isSuccessful() to verify if the request was successful.

If you get a boolean with the value true the operation has been registered to in the database, but has not been sent to the gateway. This will happen, if the order is an installment and there an open (not delivered/canceled) items in the order.

Feature flags

You can enable specific features by setting the flags in the plugin configuration.

*Please note: *You should test each feature very carefully, because they may break your processes in some cases.

Please contact your contact person to make sure that this feature will work in your installation.

Separate the features with a comma and no spaces.

FEATURE-4465The PaymentRequest against the gateway sends all items from the BASKET. The ConfirmationDeliver-Request will send all items from the ORDER. So if there is any extension which will add new line-items during the save of the order, the plugin tries to deliver the items during the ConfirmationDeliver request. This feature compares the items, which are in the order and in the basket. Enabling this means, that items, which are not in the basket (but saved to the order), will not saved as ratepay position and can not be delivered. You should also enable FEATURE-8543 if you have enabled the bidirectionality.
FEATURE-8543By default, if an ratepay position can not be found during an order status update (bidirectionallity), an exception will be thrown and the order will be not updated. If this flag is enabled, the other positions of the order will be processed (if there any). A warning will be reported to the log file. This flag will also work for single order position update during bidirectionality.