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Pokemon Go MITM Proxy - Intercepts the traffic between your Pokemon Go App and their servers, decodes the protocol and gives you a handy tool to enrich your own game experience by altering the data on the fly.

Take a look at the examples to get started. Feel happily invited to contribute more!

<img width="22%" src="https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T1R4G4SH1-F1SL5TJSD/9a257af3-0c76-4fe4-b396-3cc6b7ed4a29.jpg?pub_secret=8d2362ba2e" /> <img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/f53cc9cd861a7b9feb516df352d51bdc0f58c9c6/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f476d61696872502e706e67" height="341"> <img width="22%" src="https://i.imgur.com/lkErths.png" /> <img width="22%" src="https://i.imgur.com/XaEcgsQ.jpg">

How to use it?

Setting up the server

Setting up your device

Prepare your phone to accept the MITM certificate

Using Xposed on Android

If you are using pokemon-go-xposed, set the custom endpoint to your machines IP (default port it 8082). All done!

Using iOS or Android without Xposed


How to code it?

PokemonGoMITM = require 'pokemon-go-mitm'
server = new PokemonGoMITM port: 8081

# Replace all PokeStops with kittys!
server.addResponseHandler "FortDetails", (data) ->
	data.name = "Pokemon GO MitM PoC"
	data.description = "meow!"
	data.image_urls = ["http://thecatapi.com/api/images/get?format=src&type=png"]

What's the status?

Thanks to the awesom work done around POGOProtos, all requests and responses can be intercepted and altered on the fly by now!

Enjoy! And heaps of thanks to everyone who contributed here and on slack!