

<h3 id="top">A collection of useful scripts, tutorials, and other Python-related things</h3> <br> <img src="./Images/python-logo-master-v3-TM-flattened.png" alt=""> <div style="height:100px;"></div> <div style="height:100px;"></div>

<b id="-python-tips-and-tutorials">Python tips and tutorials</b> <a href="#top">[back to top]</a>


<b id="-python-and-the-web">Python and the web</b> <a href="#top">[back to top]</a>

<br> <b id="-algorithms">Algorithms and Data Structures</b> <a href="#top">[back to top]</a>

This category has been moved to a separate GitHub repository rasbt/algorithms_in_ipython_notebooks

<br> <b id="-plotting-and-visualization">Plotting and Visualization</b> <a href="#top">[back to top]</a>

The matplotlib-gallery in IPython notebooks has been moved to a separate GitHub repository matplotlib-gallery

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<br> <b id="-benchmarks">Benchmarks</b> <a href="#top">[back to top]</a> <br> *More benchmarks can be found in the separate GitHub repository [One-Python-benchmark-per-day](https://github.com/rasbt/One-Python-benchmark-per-day)*

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<b id="-python-and-data-science">Python and "Data Science"</b> <a href="#top">[back to top]</a>

The "data science"-related posts have been moved to a separate GitHub repository pattern_classification

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<b id="-useful-scripts-and-snippets">Useful scripts and snippets</b> <a href="#top">[back to top]</a>


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