

eolfix Flattr this

Report, and optionally convert, the line endings of text files between Unix, Windows (MS-DOS), and Macintosh formats.

Eolfix detects and ignores binary files unless instructed to include them. Eolfix does not modify files if the file is already in the requested format. Eolfix properly handles "mixed" format files (files having more than one type of line ending format). Eolfix does not currently work with non-ASCII files (UTF-8 etc).

Quick Start

To compile and install eolfix in ~/bin, type:

git clone https://github.com/rasa/eolfix
cd eolfix
make install

To compile and install eolfix in /usr/local/bin, type:

git clone https://github.com/rasa/eolfix
cd eolfix
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install


Usage: eolfix [options] [files...]
-u | --unix    [files] Convert text files to have UNIX line endings (LF)
-d | --dos     [files] Convert text files to have DOS/Windows line endings (CRLF)
-m | --mac     [files] Convert text files to have Macintosh line endings (CR)
-n | --native  [files] Convert text files to have line endings native to your system
-l | --leave   [files] Report on the type of file, but do not convert (default)
-s | --skip    [files] Skip these files entirely
-i | --include type    Include types: unix, dos, mac, varied, binary and all
                       Default is to include unix, dos, mac and varied files
-e | --exclude type    Exclude types: unix, dos, mac, varied, binary and all
-a | --abort           Abort processing on the first error encountered
-b | --backup          Backup each file before converting it
-k | --backup-ext .ext Use <.ext> for backup file extension (default is .bak)
-c | --compress        Compress doubled-spaced files to be single-spaced (todo)
-g | --config file     Process options in <file>
-y | --dry-run         Skip conversion, but show what would have been converted
-f | --force           Convert every file, even if no change would result
-z | --ignore-case     Perform case-insensitive filename matching
-j | --in-place        Convert text files in-place (slower)
-o | --output file     Send output to <file> (use - for stdout)
-p | --preserve        Preserve file ownership and times
-r | --recursive       Recurse into directories
-t | --temp-dir dir    Use <dir> for temporary files (default is file's dir)
-v | --verbose         Report on every file, even if it would not be changed
-q | --quiet           Only report errors
-? | --help            Show this help message and quit
     --version         Display version information and quit
     --license         Display licensing information
     --                Stop processing options

Supported Platforms

Supported Compilers

Verify a Release

To verify a release, download the .zip, .sha256, and .asc files for the release (replacing eolfix-0.3.0-win32.zip with the release you are verifying):

$ wget https://github.com/rasa/eolfix/releases/download/v0.3.0/eolfix-0.3.0-win32.zip{,.sha256,.asc}

Next, check that sha256sum reports "OK":

$ sha256sum -c eolfix-0.3.0-win32.zip.sha256
eolfix-0.3.0-win32.zip: OK

Lastly, check that GPG reports "Good signature":

$ gpg --keyserver hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key 0x105a5225b6ab4b22
$ gpg --verify eolfix-0.3.0-win32.zip.asc eolfix-0.3.0-win32.zip
gpg:                using RSA key 0xFF914F74B4BB6EF3
gpg: Good signature from "Ross Smith II <ross@smithii.com>" [ultimate]


To contribute to this project, please see CONTRIBUTING.md.


To view existing bugs, or report a new bug, please see issues.


To view the version history for this project, please see CHANGELOG.md.


This project is MIT licensed.


This project was created and is maintained by Ross Smith II endorse

Feedback, suggestions, and enhancements are welcome.