

RAPIDS Benchmark

This repo contains tools for benchmarking RAPIDS projects, consisting currently of a plugin to pytest that allows it to run benchmarks to measure execution time and GPU memory usage.

Contributing Guide

Review CONTRIBUTING.md for details about the benchmarking infrastructure relevant to maintaining it (implementation details, design decisions, etc.)

Benchmarking use cases

Developer Desktop use case

Continuous Benchmarking (CB) - not fully supported, still WIP

Nightly Benchmarking

Writing and running python benchmarks

mymachine:/Projects/cugraph/benchmarks# pytest -v -m small --no-rmm-reinit -k pagerank
========================================================================================================= test session starts ==========================================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.10, pytest-5.4.3, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /opt/conda/envs/rapids/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
benchmark: 3.2.3 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False min_rounds=3 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 warmup=True warmup_iterations=1)
hypothesis profile 'default' -> database=DirectoryBasedExampleDatabase('/Projects/cugraph/benchmarks/.hypothesis/examples')
rapids_pytest_benchmark: 0.0.9
rootdir: /Projects/cugraph/benchmarks, inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: arraydiff-0.3, benchmark-3.2.3, doctestplus-0.7.0, astropy-header-0.1.2, openfiles-0.5.0, remotedata-0.3.1, hypothesis-5.16.0, cov-2.9.0, timeout-1.3.4, rapids-pytest-benchmark-0.0.9
collected 289 items / 287 deselected / 2 selected

bench_algos.py::bench_pagerank[ds=../datasets/csv/directed/cit-Patents.csv,mm=False,pa=False] PASSED                                                                                                                             [ 50%]
bench_algos.py::bench_pagerank[ds=../datasets/csv/undirected/hollywood.csv,mm=False,pa=False] PASSED                                                                                                                             [100%]

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark: 2 tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in ms, mem in bytes)                                                        Min                 Max                Mean            StdDev            Outliers      GPU mem            Rounds            GPU Rounds
bench_pagerank[ds=../datasets/csv/directed/cit-Patents.csv,mm=False,pa=False]      99.1144 (1.0)      100.3615 (1.0)       99.8562 (1.0)      0.3943 (1.0)           3;0  335,544,320 (2.91)         10          10
bench_pagerank[ds=../datasets/csv/undirected/hollywood.csv,mm=False,pa=False]     171.1847 (1.73)     172.5704 (1.72)     171.9952 (1.72)     0.5118 (1.30)          2;0  115,343,360 (1.0)           6           6

  Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
  OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
================================================================================================== 2 passed, 287 deselected in 15.17s ==================================================================================================

The above example demonstrates just a few of the features available:

                        GPU device number to observe for GPU metrics.
                        Maximum number of rounds to run the test/benchmark
                        during the GPU measurement phase. If not provided, will
                        run the same number of rounds performed for the runtime
                        Do not perform GPU measurements when using the
                        gpubenchmark fixture, only perform runtime measurements.
                        ASV "database" directory to update with benchmark
                        Metadata to be included in the ASV report. For example:
                        "machineName=my_machine2000, gpuType=FastGPU3,
                        arch=x86_64". If not provided, best-guess values will be
                        derived from the environment. Valid metadata is:
                        "machineName", "cudaVer", "osType", "pythonVer",
                        "commitRepo", "commitBranch", "commitHash",
                        "commitTime", "gpuType", "cpuType", "arch", "ram",
addopts =
          --benchmark-columns="min, max, mean, stddev, outliers, rounds"

markers =
          ETL: benchmarks for ETL steps
          small: small datasets
          directed: directed datasets
          undirected: undirected datasets

python_classes =

python_files =

python_functions =

The above example adds a specific set of options that a particular project may always want, registers the markers used by the benchmarks (markers should be registered to prevent a warning), then defines the pattern pytest should match for class names, file names, and function names. Here it's common to have pytest discover both benchmarks (defined here to have a bench prefix) and tests (test prefix) to allow users to run both in a single run.

Details about writing benchmarks using pytest-benchmark (which are 100% applicable to rapids-pytest-benchmark if the gpubenchmark fixture was used instead) can be found here, and a simple example of a benchmark using the rapids-pytest-benchmark features is shown below. bench_demo.py

import time
import pytest

@pytest.mark.parametrize("paramA", [0, 2, 5, 9])
def bench_demo(gpubenchmark, paramA):
    # Note: this does not use the GPU at all, so mem usage should be 0
    gpubenchmark(time.sleep, (paramA * 0.1))

This file is in the same directory as other benchmarks, so the run can be limited to only the benchmark here using -k:

(rapids) root@f078ef9f2198:/Projects/cugraph/benchmarks# pytest -k demo --benchmark-gpu-max-rounds=1
========================================================= test session starts ==========================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.10, pytest-5.4.3, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1
benchmark: 3.2.3 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False min_rounds=3 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 warmup=True warmup_iterations=1)
rapids_pytest_benchmark: 0.0.9
rootdir: /Projects/cugraph/benchmarks, inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: arraydiff-0.3, benchmark-3.2.3, doctestplus-0.7.0, astropy-header-0.1.2, openfiles-0.5.0, remotedata-0.3.1, hypothesis-5.16.0, cov-2.9.0, timeout-1.3.4, rapids-pytest-benchmark-0.0.9
collected 293 items / 289 deselected / 4 selected

bench_demo.py ....                                                                                                               [100%]

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark: 4 tests -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in ns, mem in bytes)                  Min                         Max                        Mean                 StdDev            Outliers  GPU mem            Rounds            GPU Rounds
bench_demo[0]                               782.3110 (1.0)            2,190.8432 (1.0)              789.0240 (1.0)          12.3101 (1.0)      453;1739        0 (1.0)      126561           1
bench_demo[2]                       200,284,559.2797 (>1000.0)  200,347,900.3906 (>1000.0)  200,329,241.1566 (>1000.0)  26,022.0129 (>1000.0)       1;0        0 (1.0)           5           1
bench_demo[5]                       500,606,104.7316 (>1000.0)  500,676,967.2036 (>1000.0)  500,636,843.3436 (>1000.0)  36,351.5426 (>1000.0)       1;0        0 (1.0)           3           1
bench_demo[9]                       901,069,939.1365 (>1000.0)  901,218,764.4839 (>1000.0)  901,159,526.1594 (>1000.0)  78,917.8600 (>1000.0)       1;0        0 (1.0)           3           1

  Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
  OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
================================================== 4 passed, 289 deselected in 17.73s ==================================================

Below are some important points about this run:

bench_demo.py ....

Adding Custom Metric capturing

rapids-pytest-benchmark also supports the addition of arbitrary metrics to your benchmarks. You can write a metric capturing function and use the addMetric() attribute from the gpubenchmark fixture to add any arbitrary measurement that you want.

Example code:

def bench_bfs(gpubenchmark, anyGraphWithAdjListComputed):
    # This is where we'd call NetworkX.BFS and get its result for comparison
    networkXResult = 3
    def checkAccuracy(bfsResult):
        This function will be called by the benchmarking framework and will be
        passed the result of the benchmarked function (in this case,
        Compare that result to NetworkX.BFS()
        for d in bfsResult['distance'].values_host:
        r = float(s/len(bfsResult))

        result= abs(((r - networkXResult) / networkXResult) * 100)
        return result

    gpubenchmark.addMetric(checkAccuracy, "accuracy", "percent")
    gpubenchmark(cugraph.bfs, anyGraphWithAdjListComputed, 0)

In this example, cuGraph's BFS algorithm is being benchmarked. In addition to logging the default measurements, it will also log an accuracy metric. The checkAccuracy() function is defined which will calculate and return the accuracy value. The addMetric() attribute is sent the checkAccuracy() callable, a string representing the name of the measurement, and another string representing the unit of measurement.

Writing and running C++ benchmarks using gbench


Using asvdb from python and the command line

asvdb is a library and command-line utility for reading and writing benchmark results from/to an ASV "database" as described here.

Benchmarking old commits

# uninstall rmm cudf cugraph
#  If installed via a local from-source build, use pip and manually remove C++ libs, else use conda
pip uninstall -y rmm cudf dask-cudf cugraph
rm -rf /opt/conda/envs/rapids/include/libcudf
find /opt/conda -type f -name "librmm*" -exec rm -f {} \;
find /opt/conda -type f -name "libcudf*" -exec rm -f {} \;
find /opt/conda -type f -name "libcugraph*" -exec rm -f {} \;
#conda remove -y librmm rmm libcudf cudf dask-cudf libcugraph cugraph

# confirm packages uninstalled with conda list, uninstall again if still there (pip uninstall sometimes needs to be run >once for some reason)
conda list rmm; conda list cudf; conda list cugraph

# install numba=0.48 since older cudf versions being used here need it
conda install -y numba=0.48

# (optional) clone rmm, cudf, cugraph in a separate location if you don't want to modify your working copies (recommended to ensure we're starting with a clean set of sources with no artifacts)
git clone https://github.com/rapidsai/rmm
git clone https://github.com/rapidsai/cudf
git clone https://github.com/rapidsai/cugraph

# copy benchmarks dir from current cugraph for use later in older cugraph
cp -r cugraph/benchmarks /tmp


# set RMM to old version: 63ebb53bf21a58b98b4596f7b49a46d1d821b05d
#cd <rmm repo>
git reset --hard 63ebb53bf21a58b98b4596f7b49a46d1d821b05d

# install submodules
git submodule update --init --remote --recursive

# confirm the right version (Apr 7)
git log -n1

# build and install RMM


# set cudf to pre-regression version: 12bd707224680a759e4b274f9ce4013216bf3c1f
#cd <cudf repo>
git reset --hard 12bd707224680a759e4b274f9ce4013216bf3c1f

# install submodules
git submodule update --init --remote --recursive

# confirm the right version (Apr 15)
git log -n1

# build and install cudf


# set cugraph to version old enough to support old cudf version: 95b80b40b25b733f846da49f821951e3026e9588
#cd <cugraph repo>
git reset --hard 95b80b40b25b733f846da49f821951e3026e9588

# cugraph has no git submodules

# confirm the right version (Apr 16)
git log -n1

# build and install cugraph


# install benchmark tools and datasets
conda install -c rlratzel -y rapids-pytest-benchmark

# get datasets
#cd <cugraph repo>
cd datasets
mkdir csv
cd csv
wget https://data.rapids.ai/cugraph/benchmark/benchmark_csv_data.tgz
tar -zxf benchmark_csv_data.tgz && rm benchmark_csv_data.tgz

# copy benchmarks to cugraph
#cd <cugraph repo>
cp -r /tmp/benchmarks .

# verify cudf in PYTHONPATH is correct version (look for commit hash in version)
python -c "import cudf; print(cudf.__version__)"

# run benchmarks
cd benchmarks
pytest -v -m small --benchmark-autosave --no-rmm-reinit -k "not force_atlas2 and not betweenness_centrality"

# confirm that these results are "fast" - on my machine, BFS mean time was ~30ms


# uninstall cudf
pip uninstall -y cudf dask-cudf
rm -rf /opt/conda/envs/rapids/include/libcudf
find /opt/conda -type f -name "libcudf*" -exec rm -f {} \;
#conda remove -y libcudf cudf dask-cudf

# set cudf to version of regression: 4009501328166b109a73a0a9077df513186ffc2a
#cd <cudf repo>
git reset --hard 4009501328166b109a73a0a9077df513186ffc2a

# confirm the right version (Apr 15 - Merge pull request #4883 from rgsl888prabhu/4862_getitem_setitem_in_series)
git log -n1

# CLEAN and build and install cudf
./build.sh clean

# verify cudf in PYTHONPATH is correct version (look for commit hash in version)
python -c "import cudf; print(cudf.__version__)"

# run benchmarks
#cd <cugraph repo>/benchmarks
pytest -v -m small --benchmark-autosave --no-rmm-reinit -k "not force_atlas2 and not betweenness_centrality" --benchmark-compare --benchmark-group-by=fullname

# confirm that these results are "slow" - on my machine, BFS mean time was ~75ms, GPU mem used was ~3.5x more
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark 'bench_algos.py::bench_bfs[ds=../datasets/csv/directed/cit-Patents.csv]': 2 tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Name (time in ms, mem in bytes)                                               Min                Max               Mean            StdDev             Median               IQR            Outliers      OPS                GPU mem            Rounds            Iterations
#bench_bfs[ds=../datasets/csv/directed/cit-Patents.csv] (0001_95b80b4)     27.3090 (1.0)      39.1467 (1.0)      29.5639 (1.0)      2.9815 (1.0)      28.4831 (1.0)      0.8261 (1.0)           5;6  33.8250 (1.0)      117,440,512 (1.0)          34           1
#bench_bfs[ds=../datasets/csv/directed/cit-Patents.csv] (NOW)              70.0455 (2.56)     83.7894 (2.14)     75.5794 (2.56)     3.7335 (1.25)     76.3104 (2.68)     5.2627 (6.37)          5;0  13.2311 (0.39)     432,013,312 (3.68)         15           1