

This repository has been merged into metasploit-payloads

Please note that this repository has been merged into a unified repository for meterpreters: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-payloads

The history has been preserved, along with prehistory from metasploit-framwork: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-payloads/tree/master/java

If you have any old PRs, please rebase them on the new repository. See https://github.com/rapid7/meterpreter/issues/110 for discussion of why we merged these repositories back together.

Build Instructions

To compile JavaPayload for Metasploit (including Java Meterpreter), you need Maven 3.0 or above. Just run

mvn package

to package all the files, or

mvn -P deploy package

to package all the files and copy them into the correct place for Metasploit (../metasploit-framework/data/java). If you get spurious compilation errors, make sure that there is an exclude rule in your antivirus for the Metasploit directory (or that your antivirus is disabled).

If the path to your metasploit framework repository is not ../metasploit-framework, but for example ../msf3, use

mvn -D deploy.path=../msf3 -P deploy package

In case you want to edit/debug JavaPayload for Metasploit or Java Meterpreter, Maven provides plugins to auto-generate project files for your favourite IDE (at least for Eclipse, Netbeans or IntelliJ). I use Eclipse, so to generate project files I use

mvn eclipse:eclipse

This will generate project files that can be imported via

File->Import->Existing Projects into Workspace

into your Eclipse workspace.

(Note that if this is your first Maven project you want to use in Eclipse, you also have to run

mvn -Declipse.workspace=/path/to/your/workspace eclipse:configure-workspace

to set up path variables like M2_REPO to point to the correct location.)

For NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA, refer to the documentation at

http://maven.apache.org/netbeans-module.html http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-idea-plugin/


  1. Download the Android SDK, and the Android NDK somewhere
  2. Launch the sdk/tool/android program
  3. Install API version 10, and update the "Android SDK Tools" and "Android SDK Platform-tools"
  4. Compile android meterpreter:
mvn package -Dandroid.sdk.path=/path/to/android-sdk -Dandroid.ndk.path=/path/to/android-ndk -Dandroid.release=true -P deploy