

🍋 melon-4

A theme for Trilium Notes, (>= 0.48.x) "a hierarchical note taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases".

I really like this application and its many features. At the same time I felt like it needed some visual overhaul for lack of better terms. I am trying to achieve a consistent look and feel. Sometimes things break (e.g. due to updates of the application) - please don't hesitate to file an issue!


Main Window


Theme Installation

Please follow the official instructions here.

In a nutshell:

Install the theme by following these steps:

Additional Fonts

To get the full experience you need to install some additional fonts.

Example Attributes (use to copy&paste)

#originalFileName=FiraCode-Regular.woff #customResourceProvider="fonts/FiraCode-Regular.woff"