

node-argon2-cli NPM package Build status Coverage status Code Quality Dependencies

CLI utility for node-argon2.

Want to use it in your Javascript application? Instead check node-argon2.

Before installing

Check requirements for node-argon2 prior to installing this.

node-argon2-cli works only and is tested against Node >=8.0.0.


Run argon2-cli -h for a quick help on usage and arguments:

$ argon2-cli -h
usage: argon2-cli [-h] salt [-i|-d|-id] [-t iterations] [-m log2(memory in KiB) | -k memory in KiB] [-p parallelism] [-l hash length] [-e|-r] [-v (10|13)]
  Password is read from stdin

Positional arguments:

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
  -i          Use Argon2i (this is the default)
  -d          Use Argon2d instead of Argon2i
  -id         Use Argon2id instead of Argon2i
  -t N        Sets the number of iterations to N (default 3)
  -m N        Sets the memory usage to 2^N KiB (default 12)
  -k N        Sets the memory usage to N KiB (default 4096)
  -p N        Sets parallelism to N threads (default 1)
  -l N        Sets hash output length to N bytes (default 32)
  -e          Output only encoded hash
  -r          Output only the raw bytes of the hash
  -v (10|13)  Argon2 version (defaults to the most recent version, currently 13)

To hash a password:

$ echo -n "password" | argon2-cli
Type: 		Argon2i
Iterations: 	3
Memory: 	4096 KiB
Parallelism: 	1
Encoded: 	$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$lwEEWp+MVB8ha79mVt8Gog$KXc3+y9Lg4YBm0C1nxk7t6j3ku4pw/uyd4RfVq3e8yI
0.010 seconds
Verification ok

By default, the output is verbose. You can output the hash only with -e:

$ echo -n "password" | argon2-cli -e

You can choose between Argon2i and Argon2d by using the -d flag:

$ echo -n "password" | argon2-cli -d -e

You can provide your own salt as the positional argument. It is highly recommended to use the generated salt instead of a hardcoded salt, though:

$ echo -n "password" | argon2-cli somesalt -e

You can also modify time, memory and parallelism constraints with -t, -m and -p respectively, followed by a valid number:

$ echo -n "password" | argon2-cli -t 2 -k 65536 -p 4
Type: 		Argon2i
Iterations: 	2
Memory: 	65536 KiB
Parallelism: 	4
Encoded: 	$argon2i$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=4$1LoWDI7KvUoSIUlA+26nHw$KK1P9iYjYn8+FE1ACGWFNhC3UfJsc1LYS7ciMcxS7EA
0.058 seconds
Verification ok

All arguments are optional, and it's not possible to pass your password as argument for safety purposes (consider you should never write a password with echo).


Work licensed under the MIT License. Please check [P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2] (https://github.com/P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2) for license over Argon2 and the reference implementation.