


A collection of short scripts for analysis, encryption and forensics, that can be used for CTF and/or security assessments.

All scripts are GPLv3 licensed unless stated otherwise. Use for good, not for evil...

Higly recommended (but not necessary) is the virtualenv package, as it virtualizes your Python environments.


Extracts files from a pcap file containing a (fragmented) HTTP download or stream. Example usage:

justsniffer -f myfile.pcap -l "%response" -e 'extract_file.py output.file'

This will extract the (fragmented) HTTP download from myfile.pcap and writes the output to output.file justniffer will take care of the lower protocol layers.

Currently extract_file.py only handles streamed input.


Bruteforces passwords by using a timing attack on webforms. Based on the notion that successful password (characters) are expected to take longer(!) to process than unsuccessful passwords.

Example usage:

timing_bruteforcer.py http://my.site.com --username admin

Currently only hexadecimal 'passwords' are supported.


git clone https://github.com/RandomsCTF/ctf-scripts.git
which virtualenv && virtualenv ctf-scripts && pushd ctf-scripts
[ -f bin/activate ] && source bin/activate
[ -f Scripts/Activate ] && source Scripts/Activate