


This plugin combines javascript and stylesheet files into optimized files.

How it works ?

The plugin read all view.yml files and generates the correct combined files :

The plugin can also generate packages from a list of files. This feature allows you to create a common set of files for your website, and include specific assets for a view.


Available optimizers



You can include packages into the view.yml, just add these lines into view.yml:

          javascripts: [common]
          stylesheets: [common]

          javascripts: [extra_code]

Assets version (optional)

This plugin has a hidden gem : asset versioning. When css files are combined, a version number is added to all externals references. This feature must be use with helper functions sw_include_stylesheets() and sw_include_javascripts(), this two helpers add the version number on each declared assets.

The asset version format is : ASSET_FILE?_sw=ASSET_VERSION

What does it mean ?

You can configure a long time expired value on your server by using simple regular expression.

(.*)\?_sw=(.*) => expired in 1 month.

Doing so, the user agent will not do any extras requests to the webserver.

Defining the asset version


how can I set a media type for each package ?

for now this feature is not implemented.

css @import not loaded

the import syntax must be : @import url('yourfile.css') or @import url("yourfile.css").

this is not valid : @import url(yourfile.css)

Class swCombineViewConfigHandler not found

make sure the swCombineViewConfigHandler class is included in the ProjectConfiguration.class.php file


    class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration

unable to read the asset : /home/[...]/yourfile.css

All your css and js files must be relative, like /js/asds.js and /css/toto.css, the bad magic from symfony does not work

my background pictures get stripped out

The plugin uses css paths and sf_web_dir to find pictures, if the pictures do not exist then the plugin set none instead of url(non_existant_background), to avoid 404 requests on the webserver