

<div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/rand256/valetudo/blob/testing/assets/logo/valetudo_logo_with_name.svg" width="800" alt="valetudo"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Free your vacuum from the cloud</h2> </div><div> <h5> Fully supported devices: Roborock S5 and Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner (v1)<br> Preliminary supported devices: Roborock S6 and other III-generation Roborock vacuums </h5> </div>


This is a fork of Valetudo by Hypfer, created by me since I found too many features missing in the original package when I've tried to use it for the first time.

Features added lately:

And this is a quick list of features first appeared here:

You can add or improve your own native language support by using ./client/locales/en.json template as an example and sending a PR.


Check deployment section or this wiki page on how to install Valetudo onto your device.

Screenshots of this mod:

<details> <summary>View screenshots</summary>

qscr1 qscr2

qscr3 qscr4

qscr5 qscr6

qscr7 qscr8


Getting map picture for integrations