


Disclaimer: These scripts are to help you audit your machines or machines you're authorized to audit. Don't use these on anything you don't have the owner's explicit permission to test on. That's mean. Also illegal.


Automate portscans to check which beacons have access to a specific host


1. Select all beacon(s) you want to check access from 
2. Right click and select "Bueller? Anyone?"
3. Enter target host and port
4. Open "View" > "Script Console" to see output.
 > Note: it may take a while for all beacons to call back depending on your sleep time. 


Find targets where you're local admin and list users who logged in within the last 90 days.

Like Chris King's (raikiasec) CredNinja but less fancy. And in Aggressor. (See also: https://github.com/Raikia/CredNinja)


1. To scan a list of targets
 > Select all hosts in the Targets tab, right click, add note "cdolla"
 > From the beacon with the correct token: cdolla [-users]
2. To scan a single target
 > cdolla [-users]



This report generates an appendix with tables of all hosts where a beacon was spawned and all users that were compromised/added to the "Credentials" tab.


1. Import by clicking Cobalt Strike > Preferences > Reporting > Select template
2. Generate by clicking Reporting > 1. Compromise Log

Notes on "Affected Hosts":

Notes on "Affected Users":


Monitor beacons and pick off users as they log in. Set the time interval (default 5m) and Credpocalypse will watch your beacons for new users in the running processes. If they aren't in the Credentials tab already, Credpocalypse will run logonpasswords.

Pro Tip: Load/run with ./agscript to watch all beacons headlessly. Output will include timestamp/beacon IDs to track when logonpasswords was run.

NOTE: Your beacon will only be interrupted if logonpasswords is run. There's no callback, so I can't smother the output. :-/

NOTE AGAIN: In the Watchlist and Script Console you'll see "Running on PIDs: x". X is the PID of the beacon process on the remote system (what you see on the right side of your beacon list). In the background, it's actually using the beacon IDs assigned by Cobalt. I just print the PID to make it easier for you to glance at beacons and know where Credpocalypse is running.


  1. Aliases
begin_credpocalypse		- watch current beacon
end_credpocalypse [all]		- stop watching current/all beacon/s
credpocalypse_interval [time]	- 1m, 5m (default), 10m, 30m, 60m
  1. Commands
begin_credpocalypse		- watch *all* beacons
end_credpocalypse [all]		- stop watching all beacons
credpocalypse_interval [time]	- 1m, 5m (default), 10m, 30m, 60m
  1. Right click beacon(s) to get a pop up menu that lets you


Parse data from Teamserver .bin files and export as TSVs.

Results will be saved as prefix_[data type].tsv. The default prefix, if not specified, is "export". (e.g. export_credentials.tsv)

Set up: pip3 install javaobj-py3


python3 export_TSv.py [--credentials data/credentials.bin] [--listeners data/listeners.bin] [--sessions data/sessions.bin] [--targets data/targets.bin] [--prefix file_prefix_for_results]


Track/clean up dropped files, because littering is bad.

Includes a tab to view all files uploaded through beacons during an engagement.


(By default all items show as Status: ?. Click "Check for litter" to update.) 
    > "Search and Destroy" tries to remove items from the chosen beacon
    > "Check for litter" 
        - Does an LS to look for the dest_file from the chosen beacon
        - Updates left column of results with status (cleaned, NOT cleaned, ?)

Coming soon:



See and sort results from portscan module in a new tab

CREDIT: This script uses the awesome visualization/tab code made by @001SPARTaN (for @r3dqu1nn) As seen here: https://github.com/harleyQu1nn/AggressorScripts/blob/master/logvis.cna


View > "Port Scan Results". Click column to sort.


Use to export command output, so you don't have to grep beacon logs for info.



Output: cobaltstrike/saved_logs/[beacon id]_yyyyMMdd_HHmmssSSS.log

[2017-12-27 11:36:24 EST] BID: 12345 Tasked beacon to run: whoami
received output: 


A collection of "sub" functions to do random things. Copy into your CNAs and refer to the "alias" functions at the bottom of the file for examples on how to call each utility.


get_env COMSPEC					- print value of env variable
get_pid explorer				- print 1st PID for given proc name
get_users					- return array of logged on users
lower C:\Users\Public\Downloads\tmp.txt 	- lc() without breaking on \'s 
parse_args -arg1 val1 -arg2 val2 -switch1	- easier than positional arguments
upper C:\Users\Public\Downloads\tmp.txt 	- uc() without breaking on \'s

Note: Raffi wrote the get_pid function (https://www.cobaltstrike.com/aggressor-script/functions.html#bppid). Included here for easy reference.