

Planning to Explore via Self-Supervised World Models

[Project Website] [Demo Video] [Long Talk] [TF2 version]

Ramanan Sekar*<sup>1</sup>, Oleh Rybkin*<sup>1</sup>, Kostas Daniilidis<sup>1</sup>, Pieter Abbeel<sup>2</sup>, Danijar Hafner<sup>3,4</sup>, Deepak Pathak<sup>5,6</sup><br/> (* equal contribution)

<sup>1</sup>University of Pennsylvania </br> <sup>2</sup>UC Berkeley </br> <sup>3</sup>Google Research, Brain Team </br> <sup>4</sup>University of Toronto </br> <sup>5</sup>Carnegie Mellon University </br> <sup>6</sup>Facebook AI Research

<a href="https://ramanans1.github.io/plan2explore/"> <p align="center"> <img src="https://ramanans1.github.io/plan2explore/resources/setting.png" width="600"> </p> </img></a>

This is a TensorFlow based implementation for our paper on planning to explore via self-supervised world models. This work focuses on self-supervised exploration, where an agent explores a visual environment without yet knowing the tasks it will later be asked to solve. While current methods often learn reactive exploration behaviors to maximize retrospective novelty, we learn a world model trained from images to plan for expected surprise. Novelty is estimated as ensemble disagreement in the latent space of the world model. Exploring and learning the world model without rewards, our approach, Plan2Explore, efficiently adapts to a range of control tasks with high-dimensional image inputs. If you find this work useful in your research, please cite:

    title={Planning to Explore
    via Self-Supervised World Models},
    author={Ramanan Sekar and Oleh Rybkin
    and Kostas Daniilidis and Pieter Abbeel
    and Danijar Hafner and Deepak Pathak},

TF2 implementation (updated 01/26/22)

Please note that a TensorFlow 2 implementation on the base of Dreamer V2 is now available here. To replicate zero-shot results in the TF2 implementation, run

python dreamerv2/train.py --logdir ~/logs/walker_walk/zero_shot --configs dmc_vision --task dmc_walker_walk --expl_behavior Plan2Explore --expl_until 2e6 --steps 2e6 --grad_heads 'decoder'

To replicate few-shot results in the TF2 implementation, run

python dreamerv2/train.py --logdir ~/logs/walker_walk/zero_shot --configs dmc_vision --task dmc_walker_walk --expl_behavior Plan2Explore --expl_until 5e5 --steps 5.05e5 --grad_heads 'decoder'

The number of steps for both of these runs is specified in the agent steps. The number of environment steps as reported in the paper is 2x larger due to action repeat.

TF1 implementation (this repo)

Setting up repository

git clone https://github.com/ramanans1/plan2explore.git
cd plan2explore/

python3.6 -m venv Plan2Explore
source $PWD/Plan2Explore/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip


apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
build-essential nano libssl-dev libffi-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev\
zlib1g-dev python3-setuptools python3-pip libglew2.0 libgl1-mesa-glx\
libopenmpi-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libosmesa6 libglfw3 patchelf xserver-xorg-dev xpra

Run code

To train an agent, install the dependencies and then run one of these commands. The commands below all run the default settings of the experiments reported in the paper. Change the task in --params {tasks:...} as required. The available tasks are given in scripts/tasks.py.

python3 -m plan2explore.scripts.train --expID 1001_walker_walk_plan2explore_zeroshot \
--params {defaults: [disagree], tasks: [walker_walk]}
python3 -m plan2explore.scripts.train --expID 1002_walker_walk_random_zeroshot \
--params {defaults: [random], tasks: [walker_walk]}
python3 -m plan2explore.scripts.train --expID 1003_walker_walk_curious_zeroshot \
--params {defaults: [prediction_error], tasks: [walker_walk]}
python3 -m plan2explore.scripts.train --expID 1004_walker_walk_dreamer \
 --params {defaults: [dreamer], tasks: [walker_walk]}
python3 -m plan2explore.scripts.train --expID 1005_walker_walk_max_zeroshot \
--params {defaults: [disagree], tasks: [walker_walk], use_max_objective: True}
python3 -m plan2explore.scripts.train --expID 1006_walker_walk_retrospective_zeroshot \
--params {defaults: [disagree], tasks: [walker_walk], exploration_imagination_horizon: 1, curious_action_bootstrap: False, curious_value_bootstrap: False}
python3 -m plan2explore.scripts.train --expID 1007_walker_walk_plan2explore_adapt \
--params {defaults: [disagree], tasks: [walker_walk], adaptation: True, adaptation_step: 5e6, max_steps: 5.75e6}


These are good places to start when modifying the code:

scripts/configs.pyAdd new parameters or change defaults.
scripts/tasks.pyAdd or modify environments.
training/utility.pyModify Objectives or Optimization Processes
modelsAdd or modify latent transition models.
networksAdd or modify encoder, decoder, or one-step models
controlChange MPC Agents, add new wrappers, modify simulations

The available tasks are listed in plan2explore/scripts/tasks.py. The hyper-parameters can be found in plan2explore/scripts/configs.py. The possible configurations for main experiment defaults are disagree [or] random [or] dreamer [or] prediction_error. To get started, some quick hyper-parameters for playing around with Plan2Explore are intrinsic_scale, ensemble_model_type, model_size, state_size, ensemble_loss_scale.

This codebase was built on top of Dreamer.

Evaluation curves JSON

The evaluation curves for Figures 3 and 6 (zero-shot evaluation) are here