


imgurbash2 is a simple bash script that allows you to upload images and videos to imgur. Once an image/video is uploaded, the link is displayed on the terminal and copied to your clipboard (see below or refer to the manual).

Tested on Linux, macOS, FreeBSD and Windows (WSL).



Upload Images

Upload the images named cow.png and fish.jpg to imgur:

imgurbash2 cow.png https://myserver.io/fish.jpg

The above command will output something like this:

http://i.imgur.com/HDVh123.png (Delete Hash = mo02q3r)
http://i.imgur.com/QCfh256.png (Delete Hash = blub1qx)

The outputted links are the URLs of the uploaded images. Such URLs are copied to your clipboard if the right programs are installed.

Upload Videos

Upload these two videos skunk.mp4 and raccoon.webm to imgur:

imgurbash2 skunk.mp4

Upload To Your Album

Upload the image named cow.png to your imgur album:

imgurbash2 -l -a abc134 cow.png

Delete Images

imgurbash2 ~/tmp/test.png
http://i.imgur.com/HDVh123.png (Delete Hash = vgdTM62vQ08xaxa)

To delete the above uploaded image:

imgurbash2 -d vgdTM62vQ08xaxa

Automatically Image Deletion

imgurbash2 -D 5m ~/tmp/test.png

Uploaded image will automatically be deleted after 5 minutes.


More examaples and a detailed manual is available at https://github.com/ram-on/imgurbash2/blob/master/examples.md. Details about the configuration file are also explained.


Linux / macOS / UN*X / WSL

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ram-on/imgurbash2/master/imgurbash2
chmod u+x imgurbash2


bash 4.0+NoTo run this script. Given that macOS ships with an old Bash version, it is recommended that the latest Bash is installed via brew install bash
curlNoUploads images
xsel, xclip or wl-copyYesCopies URL (image) link to clipboard if using Linux - no separate program is required for macOS


MIT License