


Simply create a debian package by defining an s-expression.

See the test file for an example definition.

Right now, this is supported:

Notably missing (yet) features:

Why deb-packager instead of dpkg-buildpackage?

dpkg-buildpackage, while a full-featured solution, requires a very specific structure of files and folders. While understandable, there is a lot of unnecessary requirements, such as a compat file that holds a magic number, the list of directories where the files will be installed, and generally speaking, a lot more verbose than needed.

deb-packager aims to make it painless to create a debian package, while reproducing everything dpkg-buildpackage supports.

Finally, dpkg-buildpackage is relatively slow because of its way of going through the filesystem to build the package. deb-packager builds the debian package in memory before writing it to the disk, making it much faster. (But maybe inconvenient if the package is too big.)



MIT License.