


Rally is an open-source alternative to Twitter Space/Clubhouse for web3 communities. Built with Polygon, Livekit, Lens Protocol, Lit Protocol, The Graph, Storj, Bundlr and Guild.


Current social audio apps don't work for web3 communities.

Social audio applications are platforms where users interact with their voice in real time (for instance Spotify Live, Discord Stage, Zoom, Twitter Space...).

Currently, web3 communities rely heavily on those platforms for both their day-to-day communication and important one-time events. The problem: Social audio apps don’t offer the best user experience possible to web3 communities. All current social audio apps lack of one of the following features :

Enters Web3. Web3 is unique because it offers the tools to create an online experience that not only features these 5 principles but also:

This is why we want to build Rally, the go to social audio app for DAOs and web3 enthusiasts when they want to make announcements, learn, discuss, debate, share, or just chill together.

Rally is a web application at the cross-road of web2 and web3, a social audio platform that will not only allow users to create live audio chats, but also easily onboard entire communities, and provide users a secure online experience where they are in total control of what they publish, who can access it, how, and when.

Get started

| Pre-requisite: node version >=16and pnpm installed

3rd parties

# Install dependencies
pnpm i

# in apps/nextjs, create a `.env` and make sure to add all required values

# Lens API URL. In dev mode, we use Mumbai testnet

# Lens App ID

# Lens Hub Proxy contract address. This is the contract address on Mumbai testnet.

# Lens Periphery contract address. This is the contract address on Mumbai testnet.

# Audio chat management smart contract. This is the contract address on Mumbai testnet

# Chain used

# Livekit server URL. Replace with yours !
# Docs: https://docs.livekit.io/concepts/authentication/

# Alchemy SDK API key. Replace with yours !

# This is to allow gasless transactions on Lens (mumbai only - we are not whitelisted!)

# Supabase URL. Replace with yours !

# Supabase anon key. Replace with yours !

# Deployed subgraph url (using The Graph hosted service)

# RPC Url

# Base URL (eg: https://alpha.letsrally.fm). Default to localhost:3000 - don't forget to replace this value with your domain name in prod, otherwise wallet verification won't work !

# Used to encrypt the NextAuth.js JWT
NEXTAUTH_SECRET=`openssl rand -hex 32`

# Base URL used by NextAuth (eg: https://alpha.letsrally.fm). Default to localhost:3000 - don't forget to replace this value with your domain name in prod, otherwise wallet verification won't work !

# Livekit Server API key. Replace with yours !
# Docs: https://docs.livekit.io/concepts/authentication/

# Livekit Server secret key. Replace with yours !
# Docs: https://docs.livekit.io/concepts/authentication/

# S3-compatible service access key. Replace with yours !

# S3-compatible service secret key. Replace with yours !

# S3-compatible service endpoint. Replace with yours !

# S3-compatible service bucket name. Replace with yours !

# Base path used to store recordings in the S3 bucket (eg: rallies/sessions/recordings/). Replace with yours !

# Infura project id. Replace with yours ! (https://www.infura.io/)

# Infura secret. Replace with yours !  (https://www.infura.io/)


# Infura gateway. Replace with yours !  (https://www.infura.io/)

# NFTPort API key. Replace with yours ! (https://www.nftport.xyz/)

# Start the project by running this command in the root folder.
pnpm dev


Current social audio apps don't work for web3 communities.

Social audio applications are platforms where users interact with their voice in real time (for instance Spotify Live, Discord Stage, Zoom, Twitter Space...).

Currently, web3 communities rely heavily on those platforms for both their day-to-day communication and important one-time events. The problem: Social audio apps don’t offer the best user experience possible to web3 communities. All current social audio apps lack of one of the following features :

Enters Web3. Web3 is unique because it offers the tools to create an online experience that not only features these 5 principles but also:

This is why we want to build Rally, the go to social audio app for DAOs and web3 enthusiasts when they want to make announcements, learn, discuss, debate, share, or just chill together.

Rally is a web application at the cross-road of web2 and web3, a social audio platform that will not only allow users to create live audio chats, but also easily onboard entire communities, and provide users a secure online experience where they are in total control of what they publish, who can access it, how, and when.

Deploy to Vercel

Let's deploy the Next.js application to Vercel. If you have ever deployed a Turborepo app there, the steps are quite straightforward. You can also read the official Turborepo guide on deploying to Vercel.

  1. Create a new project on Vercel, select the apps/nextjs folder as the root directory and apply the following build settings in Build & Development settings:
Framework preset: Next.js

Build command : cd ../.. && npx turbo run build --filter nextjs
Output directory: Next.js default
Install command: pnpm install
Development command: next
Root directory: apps/nextjs
  1. Add your DATABASE_URL environment variable.

  2. Done! Your app should successfully deploy. Assign your domain and use that instead of localhost for the url in the Expo app so that your Expo app can communicate with your backend when you are not in development.

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