

Kener - A Sveltekit NodeJS Status Page System

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👉 Documentation

What is Kener?

Kener: Open-source sveltekit status page system, crafted with lot of thought so that it looks modern.

It does not aim to replace the Datadogs of the world. It simply tries to help someone come with a status page for the world.

Kener name is derived from the word "Kene" which means "how is it going" in Assamese, then .ing is added to make cooler.

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Here are some of the features that you get out of the box. Please read the documentation to know how to use them.

Monitoring and Tracking

Customization and Branding

Incident Management

User Experience and Design

Technologies used

Inspired from


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Support Me

If you are using Kener and want to support me, you can do so by sponsoring me on GitHub or buying me a coffee.

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