


Download resources to deploy Weave Net

Build and deploy to Azure Web App - reweave

Raison d'etre

Since the Weave Cloud was shut down in September 2022, the recommended method of installing the Weave Net CNI plugin became unavailable. This project was started to recreate that method.

On February 5th, 2024, Weaveworks CEO Alexis Richardson announced via LinkedIn and Twitter that Weaveworks is winding down. A fork, rajch/weave was already being maintained at that point. This project now serves manifests that use images created from that fork.

This project is currently hosted on a Free-tier Azure Web App, accessible at https://reweave.azurewebsites.net/.

How to use

Weave Net can now be installed on a kubernetes cluster using:

KUBEVER=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')
kubectl apply -f https://reweave.azurewebsites.net/k8s/net?k8s-version=$KUBEVER


kubectl apply -f https://reweave.azurewebsites.net/k8s/v1.25/net.yaml

where the v1.25 part can be replaced with any kubernetes version down to 1.8.

Customising the manifest

You can customise the YAML you get by passing some of Weave Net's options, arguments and environment variables as query parameters. Note: This is a work in progress. The parameters that have been implemented are called out below.

The list of variables you can set is:


$ kubectl apply -f "https://reweave.azurewebsites.net/k8s/v1.28/net.yaml?env.WEAVE_MTU=1337"

This command -- notice ?env.WEAVE_MTU=1337 at the end of the URL -- generates a YAML file containing, among other things:

            - name: weave
                - name: WEAVE_MTU
                  value: '1337'

Note: The YAML file can also be saved for later use or manual editing by using, for example:

$ curl -fsSLo weave-daemonset.yaml "https://reweave.azurewebsites.net/k8s/net?k8s-version=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')"

Finally, the weave script can be downloaded using:

curl -fsSLo weave "https://reweave.azurewebsites.net/get-weave"