

Code for the paper: http://proceedings.mlr.press/v80/sen18a/sen18a.pdf

Please cite the above paper if using this code base for a publication.


Running Synthetic Examples

  1. In order to run the synthetic examples, go to the file MFPDOO/experiments_synthetic.py
  2. Set mfobject as the desired function. For instance it has been set as borehole.
  3. Now from the root directory of the project run python MFPDOO/experiments_synthetic.py

Running SVM parameter tuning example

  1. For hyper-paremeter tuning we need to convert the parameter tuning problem into a multi-fidelity black box optimization object mfobject like those of the synthetic functions.
  2. An example for such an object is given in the v2_news/news_classifier.py in the context of tuning svm for the 20 news group data-set. The file is fairly self-explanatory and the user can create similar objects for other parameter tuning examples.
  3. In order to run our example for the given budget run python MFPDOO/experiments_svm.py from the root directory of the project.

All the results are saved in examples/results/.