🚧 Work In Progress 🚧
100% Kotlin ❤️❤️
This Benchmark App is built using latest Android tools and Jetpack libraries which includes
- Jetpack Compose
- Jetpack DataStore
- Jetpack Room
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Android Architecture Components( LifeCycle, ViewModel and LiveData)
- Coroutine Flows
- Dagger Hilt
- Navigation UI
- Single Activity Architecture
- MVVM Pattern
Works on Android Studio 4.2 Canary 14, gradle 4.2.0-alpha14
This App demonstrates combination of below features
- Jetpack Compose
- TextField
- OutlinedTextField + Password Visual Transformation
- TextField With Hint
- Error messages for TextField(EditText)
- Background Gradient
- Alpha and Translate Animation
- LazyColumnFor with pagination
- LazyGrid with pagination
- LazyRowFor
- FlowRow
- ScrollableColumn
- Theming, Styling ,Custom Fonts
- Day/Night Support
- ComposeView
- Modifiers
- Alert Dialog
- Text Animation
- KenbunsView with Compose
- Compose Vertical Gradient Text
- Compose Gradient Progress
- Navigation UI with BottomNavigationBar
- Navigation Directions and Safe Args
- Navigation UI DeepLinks
- GlideImage
- Page State handling based on State
- StateFlows
- Preferences with Jetpack DataStore(sync and async)
- Multi Module
- ViewModelInject
All the user credentials and Watchlist are saved Locally in Client SQLite Database for now. The data for movies/TV shows are fetched from <a href = "">TheMovieDB<a/> open API.
How to Use
Fork this project, Use Android studio 4.2+ and get your own Api key from <a href = "">TheMovieDB<a/>, and place it at
, build and start using the app.
About Me
Android Developer with passion towards technology, trying to solve real life problems in a best possible way with Awesome Tech in Hand. I ❤️ Kotlin
Connect with Me
- <a href= "">StackOverflow | Rajan Kali<a/>
- <a href = "">LinkedIn | Rajan<a/>
- <a href = "">Medium | Rajan<a/>