


This repo includes a sample application that demonstrates the MVC, MVP and MVVM architecture patterns on iOS.

The application accepts search criteria from the user and pulls in movie data using the OMDb service based on the seatch criteria. The results are displayed in the app and the user can get more details on a specific title.


An overview of the patterns is available at http://www.priyaontech.com/2017/01/mvc-mvp-and-mvvm-patterns-on-ios/ There is also a PDF document (iOS_MVP_MVVM_Patterns.pdf) available in this repo that provides details on how the patterns are implemented in the context of the sample app.

Repo Structure


To query against the OMDb DB, you would have to get an API Key from https://www.patreon.com/posts/api-is-going-10743518 Once you receive the key, please update the ServerManagerRequestRouters.swift to return the right API Key :

  static var apiKey:String {
        return <#Get Key from https://www.patreon.com/posts/api-is-going-10743518 #>


MIT License. See LICENSE for details.