

Android HTTP traffic Proxy setting tool


This tool is a proxy configuration tool that takes advantage of Android VPNService feature. Only the communication from the specified application can be acquired.

how to use

When you start the TunProxy application, the following screen will be launched.

Tun Proxy


Application settings can be made from the menu icon (Menu) at the top of the screen.


Configure VPN service settings.

Menu SettingsMenu Settings

There are two modes, Disallowed Application and Allowed Application, but you can not specify them at the same time. Because of this you will have to choose whether you want to run in either mode. The default is Disallowed Application selected.

Settings Search

Menu Settings / Menu Settings

You can narrow down the applications from the search icon.(Menu) Only applications that contain the keyword specified in the application name or package name will be displayed.

The application list can be sorted from the menu icon (Menu) at the top of the screen.

Settings Menu

Changed the way the application list is displayed.

sort by

order by

filter by

MITM (SSL decrypt)

TunProxy does not perform SSL decryption. TunProxy acts like a transparent proxy. To perform SSL decryption, set the IP of an SSL decryptable proxy such as Burp suite or Fiddler to the IP of TunProxy

The following are local proxy tools that can decrypt SSL.

To decrypt SSL, install the local proxy tool Root certificate in the Android device user certificate. However, in Android 7.0 and later, the application no longer trusts user certificates by default.

Please refer to the following web site as a solution


Display application version

Operating environment


gradlew build

base application

Most of the code was created based on the following applications for creating applications.

Development environment