

single cream

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single cream is a single C file AST based interpreter for a subset of scheme. It includes a basic standard library in scheme and an unhygienic "defmacro".

The aims of this project are:


Make sure you get the tests submodule:

git submodule init
git submodule update

For building and testing on nixos you can use the following shell:

nix-shell -p autoreconfHook -p clang -p clangAnalyzer -p valgrind -p tinycc -p rlwrap


It's very useful to have a comprehensive set of tests. Our tests are divided into suites, feel free to make new ones and import tests from other places.

We have tested it with travis continuation integration, and on x64 linux and raspberry pi ARM linux. It has also booted up on gio's ASMC OS and executed the minikanren and jbob theorem prover examples.

See also