


Query and command a Nagios install using the power of ruby (and lots of screen-scaping)! Do the usual gem install jig:

gem install nagiosharder

Now you have access to both a Ruby interface and a command line interface.

Here are some examples to get you started with the Ruby API:

require 'nagiosharder'

cgi         = 'https://path/to/nagios/cgi/directory'
user        = 'user'
pass        = 'pass'
version     = 3
time_format = 'iso8601'
verify_ssl  = true

site = NagiosHarder::Site.new(cgi, user, pass, version, time_format, verify_ssl)
# version defaults to 3
# time_format defaults to 'strict-iso8601' for version 3 and 'us' for all other versions
# verify_ssl defaults to true, pass false to override

Get details back about a host's services:

puts site.host_status('myhost')

Schedule a host to have services checks run again right now:


Get details on all services:


Or just things with problems:

  :service_status_types => [

Or just muted services, sorted desc by duration:

  :service_props => [
  :sort_type    => :descending,
  :sort_option  => :state_duration,

Or get the details for a single service group:

site.service_status(:group => "AWESOME")

Schedule a host to have services checks run again right now:

site.schedule_service_check('myhost', 'myservice')

Schedule 20 minutes of downtime, starting now:

site.schedule_host_downtime('myhost', :start_time => Time.now, :end_time => Time.now + 20.minutes)

Schedule a flexible 20 minutes of downtime between now and 2 hours from now:

site.schedule_host_downtime('myhost', :type => :flexible, :start_time => Time.now, :end_time => Time.now + 2.hours, :hours => 0, :minutes => 20)

Schedule 20 minutes of downtime for a service, starting now:

site.schedule_service_downtime('myhost', 'myservice', :start_time => Time.now, :end_time => Time.now + 20.minutes)

Cancel a scheduled host downtime:


Cancel a scheduled service downtime:

site.cancel_downtime('downtime_id', :service_downtime)

Acknowledge a down service:

site.acknowledge_service('myhost', 'myservice', 'something bad happened')

Or unacknowledge a down service:

site.unacknowledge_service('myhost', 'myservice')

Acknowledge a down host:

site.acknowledge_host('myhost', 'something bad happened')

Or unacknowledge a down host:


Schedule next host check for right now:


Schedule next service check for right now:

site.schedule_service_check('myhost', 'myservice')

Disable notifications for a service:

site.disable_service_notifications('myhost', 'myservice')

Check if notifications are disabled:

site.service_notifications_disabled?('myhost', 'myservice')

Enable notifications for a service:

site.enable_service_notifications('myhost', 'myservice')

Disable notifications, and wait for nagios to process it:

site.disable_service_notifications('myhost', 'myservice')
until site.service_notifications_disabled?('myhost', 'myservice')
  sleep 3

Get a summary on all hostgroups:


Or a summary for a specific hostgroup:


Get a summary on all servicegroups:


Or a summary for a specific servicegroup:


Get detailed output for all hostgroups:


Get detailed output for a specific hostgroup:


Get alert history:


Or all HARD state alerts:

site.alert_history(:state_type => :hard, :type => :all)

Then there's the command line. Start with --help

nagiosharder --help

This will show you how you configure nagiosharder enough to talk to your nagios. You need at least a username, password, and nagios url. These can alternatively be in a config file.

For example:

nagiosharder --config /path/to/yaml

This will display all available commands.

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