

Raiden Explorer

The Raiden Explorer displays information about the status of the Raiden Network.


The Explorer can be run by using docker-compose. This will build the docker images and run multiple instances of the explorer for mainnet and all supported testnets.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d


The frontend is built using Angular and requires NodeJS. It can be found in the frontend directory.

To launch a development version of the frontend, install the dependencies and run the angular development server:

cd frontend
npm install
npm start

It's important to update the frontend config files because otherwise the official Explorer backend is used.


The backend is written in Python and can be found in the backend directory.

To launch a development version of the backend, install the dependencies and run the cli service. Please do so from a virtual environment.

cd backend
make install-dev
python -m  metrics_backend.metrics_cli

There are a couple of cli options to configure the backend, such as the ethereum node to use. See metrics_cli.py for reference.