

choo-promise Build Status

A plugin for choo (or barracks) that allows you to return promises to end effects and subscriptions. The send function passed to effects and subscriptions is also promisified.


npm install choo-promise

Example usage

var choo = require('choo')
var chooPromise = require('choo-promise')
var Bluebird = require('bluebird')

var app = choo()
// You can optionally provide your own promise implementation
app.use(chooPromise({ Promise: Bluebird }))

  state: { value: null }
  effects: {
    updateValue: async (state, data, send) => {
      var value = await fetchSomeData(data)
      return send('setValue', { value })
  subscriptions: {
    initValue: (send) => {
      var value = await fetchSomeData(data)
      return send('setValue', { value })

Isn't there another package that does this?

Yup! There's barracks-promisify-plugin, which does pretty much exactly the same thing. The only differences (at the time of writing) are: