


RxJava style camera API for android, it based on android.hardware.camera

Add to your project dependence:

repositories {
dependencies {
	compile 'com.ragnarok.rxcamera:lib:0.0.5'

Basic Usage:

  1. set the camera parameter by choose a RxCameraConfig, which created by RxCameraConfig.Builder:

    RxCameraConfig config = new RxCameraConfig.Builder()
                .setPreferPreviewFrameRate(15, 30)
                .setPreferPreviewSize(new Point(640, 480), false)

    for all camera config currently support, please see RxCameraConfig

  2. open camera

    RxCamera.open(context, config)

    it return an RxJava Observable object, the type is Observable<RxCamera>

  3. bind a SurfaceView or TextureView and startPreview

    since RxCamera.open is return an Observable, so you can chain the call like this

    RxCamera.open(this, config).flatMap(new Func1<RxCamera, Observable<RxCamera>>() {
          public Observable<RxCamera> call(RxCamera rxCamera) {
              return rxCamera.bindTexture(textureView);
              // or bind a SurfaceView:
              // rxCamera.bindSurface(SurfaceView)
    }).flatMap(new Func1<RxCamera, Observable<RxCamera>>() {
          public Observable<RxCamera> call(RxCamera rxCamera) {
              return rxCamera.startPreview();

    both RxCamera.bindTexture and RxCamera.startPreview will return an Observable<RxCamera> object

    PS: if set isHandleSurfaceEventto true(set by setHandleSurfaceEvent(true) in RxCameraConfigChooser), RxCamera will do the actual camera start preview action when the surface is available, otherwise it will start preview immediately, and may failed if surface is not available, in this case, the return Observable will call onError

  4. switch camera

    switch the camera in runtime


    and it will also change the internal camera config, so after switch camera, the camera.getConfig will return with new setting

request camera data

RxCamera support many styles of camera data requests:

All the data request will return an Observalbe<RxCameraData>

the RxCameraData contained these fields:

camera action request

the camera action request will change the behavior of the camera

This project still in very early stage, and welcome the pull request