


Repository about how to build communities online




  1. Brick By Brick: A free guide to building awesome communities
  2. How We Leveraged Community to Grow Product Hunt from 40,000 to 400,000 Users in 4 Months
  3. How to Host Amazing Community Events: Advice from Pros at Yelp, Eventbrite, and Product Hunt
  4. Open source as a startup's competitive advantage
  5. To Build an Entrepreneurial Community, Listen to the Entrepreneurs
  6. Reasons Community Professionals Need to Learn How to Code
  7. How Outbounding Uses the Hook Model to Capture Thousands of Content Creators and Consumers
  8. 5 Ingredients for Building Community
  10. 10 Tips to Deepen Your Community from Meetup CEO Scott Heiferman
  11. The 4 Unconventional Communities That Inspire Stack Exchange Community Builder Ana Hevesi
  12. The 7 (Mostly Free) Tools Product Hunt Used to Build their Early-Stage Community
  13. 5 Steps to Organizing a User Group Program That Will Increase Retention 15%+
  14. What I Learned about Community from Sending 300+ Emails Manually
  15. Community Management
  16. mobilize.io
  17. How to build up a community for your startup
  18. Creating Unique Community Events with General Assembly Founder Matt Brimer
  19. The 41 Most Exciting Jobs We’ve Seen in the Community Profession
  20. How The Most Successful Freelance Community Professionals Thrive


  1. Great Companies Can Be Built Anywhere
  2. $2M invested in Founder Institute Colombia Graduates!
  3. Great Startups Can Be Built Anywhere: A Look at Regional Entrepreneurial Strengths
  4. CMX Guide to Community Platforms for Free
  5. 21 Case Studies that will Teach You How to Build Online Community for Your Business
  6. 10 Tips to Deepen Your Community from Meetup CEO Scott Heiferman


  1. This is What a Remote Office Looks Like
  2. How to find the perfect remote working setup for you
  3. The Startup Guide to Hiring a Remote Customer Support Rep

Startup Ecosystem

  1. Startup Ecosystem Canvas Template



Open Source Communities

Tech Meetup Checklist

###What to print and bring to the event

###Decide who is responsible for what

###During the panel