

Cylon Touchbar

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Cylon LED eyes animation for your new MacBook Pro Touchbar based on the Knight Touchbar 2000 project by Anthony Da Mota.

Cylon Touchbar on Youtube

Cylon Touchbar on Youtube

Cylon Touchbar Preview

Cylon Touchbar Preview

How to use

  1. Clone repository

    git clone https://github.com/radzima/CylonTouchbar.git

  2. Run this command to launch the project in XCode (you must have XCode first)

    cd CylonTouchbar && open CylonTouchBar.xcodeproj

  3. Build and run your very own cylon!

  4. PROFIT!

or just download the latest release of the app here and open it.


It's Free?!?

You're wondering how I can survive making such an amazingly useless app and not charging for it, aren't you? You can fix that... donate here!

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