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๐Ÿช Poetry Cookiecutter

A modern Cookiecutter template for scaffolding Python packages and apps.

๐Ÿฟ Demo

See ๐Ÿ‘– Conformal Tights for an example of a Python package that is scaffolded with this template. Contributing to this package can be done with a single click by starting a GitHub Codespace or starting a Dev Container.

๐ŸŽ Features

โœจ Using

Creating a new Python project

To create a new Python project with this template:

  1. Install the latest Cruft and Cookiecutter in your Python environment with:

    pip install --upgrade "cruft>=2.12.0" "cookiecutter>=2.1.1"
  2. Create a new repository for your Python project, then clone it locally.

  3. Run the following command in the parent directory of the cloned repository to apply the Poetry Cookiecutter template:

    cruft create -f https://github.com/radix-ai/poetry-cookiecutter
    <details> <summary>โš ๏ธ If your repository name โ‰  the project's slugified name</summary>

    If your repository name differs from your project's slugified name (see project_name in the Template parameters below), you will need to copy the scaffolded project into the repository with:

    cp -r {project-name}/ {repository-name}/

Updating your Python project

To update your Python project to the latest template version:

  1. Update the project while verifying the existing template parameters and setting any new parameters, if there are any:

    cruft update --cookiecutter-input
  2. If any of the file updates failed, resolve them by inspecting the corresponding .rej files.

๐Ÿค“ Template parameters

project_type <br> ["package", "app"]Whether the project is a publishable Python package or a deployable Python app.
project_name <br> "Spline Reticulator"The name of the project. Will be slugified to snake_case for importing and kebab-case for installing. For example, My Package will be my_package for importing and my-package for installing.
project_description <br> "A Python package that reticulates splines."A single-line description of the project.
project_url <br> "https://github.com/user/spline-reticulator"The URL to the project's repository.
author_name <br> "John Smith"The full name of the primary author of the project.
author_email <br> "john@example.com"The email address of the primary author of the project.
python_version <br> "3.10"The minimum Python version that the project requires.
development_environment <br> ["simple", "strict"]Whether to configure the development environment with a focus on simplicity or with a focus on strictness. In strict mode, additional Ruff rules are added, and tools such as Mypy and Pytest are set to strict mode.
with_conventional_commits <br> ["0", "1"]If "1", Commitizen will verify that your commits follow the Conventional Commits standard. In return, cz bump may be used to automate Semantic Versioning and Keep A Changelog.
with_fastapi_api <br> ["0", "1"]If "1", FastAPI is added as a run time dependency, FastAPI API stubs and tests are added, a poe api command for serving the API is added.
with_typer_cli <br> ["0", "1"]If "1", Typer is added as a run time dependency, Typer CLI stubs and tests are added, the package itself is registered as a CLI.
continuous_integration <br> ["GitHub", "GitLab"]Whether to include a GitHub Actions or a GitLab CI/CD continuous integration workflow for testing the project, and publishing the package or deploying the app.
private_package_repository_name <br> "Private Package Repository"Optional name of a private package repository to install packages from and publish this package to.
private_package_repository_url <br> "https://pypi.example.com/simple"Optional URL of a private package repository to install packages from and publish this package to. Make sure to include the /simple suffix. For instance, when using a GitLab Package Registry this value should be of the form https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/ {project_id} /packages/pypi/simple.