

💪 HoverFlex.nvim

A Neovim plugin to open hover docs in a focused, persistent, and non-distracting way.

Open hover docs in a new buffer, tab, or split so you can refer back to them quickly!

Dynamic splits allow you to open a split that will follow the documentation under your cursor!


If you have issues, don't hesitate to report them.

However, I mainly make these plugins strictly for personal use.



Minimal Lazy.nvim example (no keybinds, up to you to call the functions by hand)


Lazy.nvim example with default opts (uses default keybinds, see Options for details)

    opts = {}


Many options are available for easy keybindings

    -- Optional event, LspAttach works great
    event = "LspAttach",
    -- All displayed options are the defaults
    opts = {
        -- By default, any keybinds you do not pass to opts.keybinds will be instantiated
        -- using their default keys (below) unless disable_default_keybinds is set to true
        disable_default_keybinds = false,
        -- All the keybinds displayed below are the default keybinds
        keybinds = {
            -- Open hover docs in a new tab and switch to it
            tab = "<leader>ht",
            -- Open hover docs in a new tab and stay where you're at
            tab_stay = "<leader>hT",
            -- Open hover docs in a new buffer and switch to it
            buffer = "<leader>hb",
            -- Open hover docs in a new buffer and stay where you're at
            buffer_stay = "<leader>hB",
            -- Open hover docs in a new horizontal split and switch to it
            hsplit = "<leader>hs",
            -- Open hover docs in a new horizontal split and stay where you're at
            hsplit_stay = "<leader>hS",
            -- Open dynamic hover docs in a new horizontal split and switch to it
            hsplit_dynamic = "<leader>hds",
            -- Open dynamic hover docs in a new horizontal split and stay where you're at
            hsplit_dynamic_stay = "<leader>hdS",
            -- Open hover docs in a new vertical split and switch to it
            vsplit = "<leader>hv",
            -- Open hover docs in a new vertical split and stay where you're at
            vsplit_stay = "<leader>hV",
            -- Open dynamic hover docs in a new vertical split and switch to it
            vsplit_dynamic = "<leader>hdv",
            -- Open dynamic hover docs in a new vertical split and stay where you're at
            vsplit_dynamic_stay = "<leader>hdV",
            -- Close currently focused hoverflex buffer/tab/split
            -- or any currently open dynamic split
            close = "<leader>hq",
            -- Close all hoverflex related buffers/tabs/dynamic splits/splits
            close_all = "<leader>hQ",

For example, let's say you only want to use the "buffer" and "close_all" keybinds

    opts = {
        disable_default_keybinds = true,
        keybinds = {
            buffer = "<leader>hb",
            close_all = "<leader>hq",

Or maybe you only want to use the dynamic split capability

(This takes advantage of the fact that calling a dynamic split twice acts as a toggle)

    opts = {
        disable_default_keybinds = true,
        keybinds = {
            hsplit_dynamic_stay = "<leader>hs",


-- Open hover docs in a new tab and switch to it

-- Open hover docs in a new tab without switching to it

-- Open hover docs in a new buffer and switch to it

-- Open hover docs in a new buffer without switching to it

-- Open hover docs in a new vertical split and switch to it

-- Open hover docs in a new vertical split without switching to it

-- Open hover docs in a new horizontal split and switch to it

-- Open hover docs in a new horizontal split without switching to it

-- Open dynamic hover docs in a new horizontal split and switch to it
-- Also acts as a toggle, so calling when a dynamic split is open will close any dynamic split 

-- Open dynamic hover docs in a new horizontal split without switching to it
-- Also acts as a toggle, so calling when a dynamic split is open will close any dynamic split 

-- Open dynamic hover docs in a new vertical split and switch to it
-- Also acts as a toggle, so calling when a dynamic split is open will close any dynamic split 

-- Open dynamic hover docs in a new vertical split without switching to it
-- Also acts as a toggle, so calling when a dynamic split is open will close any dynamic split 

-- Close focused hoverflex.nvim tab/buffer/split
-- Also closes any currently existing dynamic split

-- Close all hoverflex.nvim tabs/buffers/splits
-- Also closes any currently existing dynamic split