


Future-proof your Emacs Lisp customizations!

Table of contents

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How do I get it

From MELPA, using your package manager of choice. See Installation. Emacs 25 and later is supported, please submit an issue if you want el-patch to support Emacs 24.

What is it

Like the advice system, el-patch provides a way to customize the behavior of Emacs Lisp functions that do not provide enough variables and hooks to let you make them do what you want. The advantage of using el-patch is that you will be notified if the definition of a function you are customizing changes, so that you are aware your customizations might need to be updated.

Using the same mechanism, el-patch also provides a way to make lazy-loading packages much more easy, powerful, and robust.


el-patch is available on MELPA. It is easiest to install it using straight.el:

(straight-use-package 'el-patch)

However, you may install using any other package manager if you prefer.

Why does it exist

Emacs provides a comprehensive set of customizable variables and hooks as well as a powerful advice system. Sometimes, however, these are not enough and you must override an entire function in order to change a detail of its implementation.

Such a situation is not ideal, since the original definition of the function might change when you update Emacs or one of its packages, and your overridden version would then be outdated. This could prevent you from benefitting from bugfixes made to the original function, or introduce new bugs into your configuration. Even worse, there is no way to tell when the original definition has changed! The correctness of your configuration is basically based on faith.

el-patch introduces another way to override Emacs Lisp functions. You can provide a patch which simultaneously specifies both the original and modified definitions of the function. When Emacs starts up, your patches act just like you had overridden the functions they are modifying. However, you can later ask el-patch to validate your patches—that is, to make sure that the original function definitions have not changed since you created the patches. If they have, el-patch will show you the difference using Ediff.

Of course, in an ideal world, el-patch would not be necessary, because user options and hooks could be made configurable enough to satisfy everyone's needs. Unfortunately, that will never truly be possible (or, arguably, desirable), so—like the advice system—el-patch offers a concession to the practical needs of your Emacs configuration.

Basic usage

Consider the following function defined in the company-statistics package:

(defun company-statistics--load ()
  "Restore statistics."
  (load company-statistics-file 'noerror nil 'nosuffix))

Suppose we want to change the third argument from nil to 'nomessage, to suppress the message that is logged when company-statistics loads its statistics file. We can do that by placing the following code in our init.el:

(el-patch-feature company-statistics)
(with-eval-after-load 'company-statistics
  (el-patch-defun company-statistics--load ()
    "Restore statistics."
    (load company-statistics-file 'noerror
          (el-patch-swap nil 'nomessage)

Simply calling el-patch-defun instead of defun defines a no-op patch: that is, it has no effect (well, not quite—see later). However, by including patch directives, you can make the modified version of the function different from the original.

In this case, we use the el-patch-swap directive. The el-patch-swap form is replaced with nil in the original definition (that is, the version that is compared against the "official" definition in company-statistics.el), and with 'nomessage in the modified definition (that is, the version that is actually evaluated in your init-file).

Note that it is important to cause the patch to be loaded after company-statistics is loaded. Otherwise, when company-statistics is loaded, the patch will be overwritten!

You may also be wondering what el-patch-feature does. The patch will still work without it; however, until company-statistics is actually loaded, el-patch will not be aware that you have defined the patch (since the code has not been run yet). Telling el-patch that you define a patch inside a with-eval-after-load for company-statistics allows M-x el-patch-validate-all to make sure to validate all your patches, and not just the ones currently defined. See also Validating patches that are not loaded yet.

Patch directives

Defining patches

To patch a function, start by copying its definition into your init-file, and replace defun with el-patch-defun. Then modify the body of the function to use patch directives, so that the modified definition is what you desire.

You can also patch other types of definitions using:

Some warnings:

You can patch any definition form, not just those above. To register your own definition types, use the el-patch-deftype macro. For example, the el-patch-defun function is defined as follows:

(el-patch-deftype defun
  :classify el-patch-classify-function
  :locate el-patch-locate-function
  :font-lock el-patch-fontify-as-defun
  :declare ((doc-string 3)
            (indent defun)))

See the docstrings on the macro el-patch-deftype and the variable el-patch-deftype-alist for more detailed information. See also the source code of el-patch for examples of how to use el-patch-deftype.

Defining forks

Sometimes you want to define a slightly modified version of a function, so that you can use the patched version in your own code but you can still use the original version under its original name. This is easy to do:

(el-patch-defun (el-patch-swap my-old-fn my-new-fn) ...)

Be sure to include patch directives in the function body showing how your modified function is derived from the original, just like in any other patch.

Inspecting patches

You can run Ediff on a patch (original vs. modified definitions) by running M-x el-patch-ediff-patch and selecting the desired patch. Note that in this context, the "original" definition is the one specified by the patch, not the actual definition that is checked when you validate the patch (see below).

Validating patches

To validate a patch, run M-x el-patch-validate and select the desired patch. A warning will be printed if there is a difference between what the patch definition asserts the original definition of the function is and the actual original definition of the function.

If there is a difference, you can visualize it using Ediff with M-x el-patch-ediff-conflict.

You can validate all the patches that have been defined so far using M-x el-patch-validate-all.

Assuming you are byte-compiling your init-file, you can set el-patch-validate-during-compile to non-nil to validate patches when they are byte-compiled. There is no option to validate patches at runtime during startup because this makes startup incredibly slow. However, you could manually run el-patch-validate-all if such behavior is truly desired.

Removing patches

Use M-x el-patch-unpatch. Note that this does not technically remove the patch: instead, it sets the function or variable definition to the "original" definition as specified by the patch. These two actions will, however, be equivalent as long as the patch is not outdated (i.e., it is validated without errors by M-x el-patch-validate).

Lazy-loading packages

el-patch does not mind if you patch a function that is not yet defined. You can therefore use el-patch to help lazy-load a package.

As an example, consider the Ivy package. Ivy provides a minor mode called ivy-mode that sets completing-read-function to ivy-completing-read. The idea is that you call this function immediately, so that when a completing-read happens, it calls into the Ivy code.

Now, ivy-completing-read is autoloaded. So Ivy does not need to be loaded immediately: as soon as ivy-completing-read is called, Ivy will be loaded automatically. However, calling ivy-mode will trigger the autoload for Ivy, so we can't do that if we want to lazy-load the package. The natural thing to do is to copy the definition of ivy-mode into our init-file, but what if the original definition changes? That's where el-patch comes in. The code from Ivy looks like this:

(defvar ivy-mode-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key map [remap switch-to-buffer]
    (define-key map [remap switch-to-buffer-other-window]
  "Keymap for `ivy-mode'.")

(define-minor-mode ivy-mode
  "Toggle Ivy mode on or off.
Turn Ivy mode on if ARG is positive, off otherwise.
Turning on Ivy mode sets `completing-read-function' to

Global bindings:

Minibuffer bindings:
  :group 'ivy
  :global t
  :keymap ivy-mode-map
  :lighter " ivy"
  (if ivy-mode
        (setq completing-read-function 'ivy-completing-read)
        (when ivy-do-completion-in-region
          (setq completion-in-region-function 'ivy-completion-in-region)))
    (setq completing-read-function 'completing-read-default)
    (setq completion-in-region-function 'completion--in-region)))

To enable ivy-mode while still lazy-loading Ivy, simply copy those definitions to your init-file before the call to ivy-mode, replacing defvar with el-patch-defvar and replacing define-minor-mode with el-patch-define-minor-mode. That is:

(el-patch-defvar ivy-mode-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key map [remap switch-to-buffer]
    (define-key map [remap switch-to-buffer-other-window]
  "Keymap for `ivy-mode'.")

(el-patch-define-minor-mode ivy-mode
  "Toggle Ivy mode on or off.
Turn Ivy mode on if ARG is positive, off otherwise.
Turning on Ivy mode sets `completing-read-function' to

Global bindings:

Minibuffer bindings:
  :group 'ivy
  :global t
  :keymap ivy-mode-map
  :lighter " ivy"
  (if ivy-mode
        (setq completing-read-function 'ivy-completing-read)
        (when ivy-do-completion-in-region
          (setq completion-in-region-function 'ivy-completion-in-region)))
    (setq completing-read-function 'completing-read-default)
    (setq completion-in-region-function 'completion--in-region)))

(ivy-mode 1)

(featurep 'ivy) ;; => ivy is still not loaded!

It's really that simple!

Validating patches that are not loaded yet

If you want to define a patch for a function provided by an unloaded feature, it is likely that you will just put the patch in a with-eval-after-load for the feature. But then el-patch-validate and el-patch-validate-all will not be able to validate your patch, because it is not yet defined.

To get around this problem, you can add functions to el-patch-pre-validate-hook in order to make sure all your patches are defined (for instance, you might need to require some features or even enable a custom minor mode). This hook is run before el-patch-validate-all, and also before el-patch-validate when you provide a prefix argument.

Since defining some patches after a feature is loaded is such a common operation, el-patch provides a convenience macro for it: el-patch-feature. You can call this macro with an (unquoted) feature name, and it will create a function that loads that feature, and add it to el-patch-pre-validate-hook for you.

If you don't want all of your patches to be defined all the time, you can put some functions in el-patch-post-validate-hook to disable them again. For some examples of how to use these hooks, check out Radian Emacs.

Integration with use-package

You can enable the use-package integration of el-patch by toggling the global minor mode el-patch-use-package-mode, but it is more convenient to set the variable el-patch-enable-use-package-integration (defaults to non-nil) and then the mode will be toggled appropriately once el-patch and use-package have both been loaded.

The use-package integration defines two new use-package keywords, :init/el-patch and :config/el-patch. They are analogous to :init and :config, but each top-level form is converted into an el-patch form: for example, a defun will be turned into an el-patch-defun, and so on. (Definition forms that have no corresponding el-patch macro are left as is.) The resulting code is prepended to the code in :init or :config, respectively. Also, if you provide either keyword, then a call to el-patch-feature is inserted into the :init section.


In some cases, you may want to patch one or two forms in a long definition of a function or a macro. Defining the patch would still require copying all unpatched forms and updating the patch when these forms change. For these cases, it would be better if we can simply search for the forms that we want to patch in the original definition and patch only those. Enter el-patch templates.

As an example, say we want to define a patch of restart-emacs so that it starts a new emacs instance without killing the current one. Instead of defining a patch that includes the complete definition of restart-emacs, we can define a template as follows

  (defun (el-patch-swap restart-emacs radian-new-emacs))
      "Restart Emacs."
      "Start a new Emacs session without killing the current one.")
    (el-patch-swap "restarted" "started")
    (el-patch-swap "restarted" "started")
    (el-patch-swap "restarted" "started")
  (restart-args ...)
  (el-patch-remove (kill-emacs-hook ...))
    (restart-emacs--launch-other-emacs restart-args)))

The first argument is a list that comprises the type, defun in this case, and the name of the object that we are patching. Using an el-patch-swap here allows us to define a fork, radian-new-emacs. Had we wanted to simply patch the function we would pass (defun restart-emacs) as the first argument. Every other argument defines a template for a patch. To build the final patch, every argument is resolved to figure out the original form which is then matched against all forms in the original definition of the object and, if uniquely found, the patch is spliced in its place. The special form ... is used to match one or more forms or, if it is inside el-patch-concat as above, one or more characters in a string. Patch templates need not be, or even contain, el-patch-* directives. For example, the purpose of the argument (restart-args ...) is to make sure that such a form exists in the function definition without actually patching it.

After defining the template, you can run the interactive command el-patch-insert-template to insert the patch definition in the current buffer based on the defined template. Alternatively, you may use the command el-patch-eval-template which directly evaluates the patch. The function el-patch-define-and-eval-template defines and evaluates a template in one go. It is recommended that you compile your init-file if you use el-patch-define-and-eval-template to avoid the overhead of template matching when starting Emacs. el-patch will issue a warning if el-patch-define-and-eval-template is called at runtime and el-patch-warn-on-eval-template is non-nil (which is the default).

Templates assume that the original definition of the object is accessible, for example, using find-function-noselect for functions.

Like patches, templates can be validated using el-patch-validate-template and el-patch-validate-all-templates.

Patch variants

You can define multiple versions of the same patch. Normally, (re)defining a patch will just overwrite the old version entirely. However, if you dynamically bind el-patch-variant to a different (symbol) value for each call, then the latter patch is still the one that takes effect, but el-patch retains a record of both patches, meaning they can be inspected and validated individually. See #29.

You may also define patches of functions as :override advices instead of overriding the original definition. This is done by setting el-patch-use-advice to a non-nil value (either dynamically around a patch or globally). The patched function must have the same name and number of arguments as the original function.

Usage with byte-compiled init-file

el-patch does not need to be loaded at runtime just to define patches. This means that if you byte-compile your init-file, then el-patch will not be loaded when you load the compiled code.

For this to work, you will need to stick to defining patches with el-patch-def* and declaring features with el-patch-feature. Anything else will cause el-patch to be loaded at runtime.

If you do not byte-compile your init-file, then all of this is immaterial.

But how does it work?


But how does it actually work?

The basic idea is simple. When a patch is defined, the patch definition is resolved to figure out the modified definition is. Then that definition is installed by evaluating it (by using el-patch--stealthy-eval, so that looking up the function definition will return the original location rather than the el-patch invocation location, and also using makunbound to override a previous variable definition if el-patch-use-aggressive-defvar is non-nil).

The patch definition is also recorded in the hash el-patch--patches. This allows for the functionality of M-x el-patch-ediff-patch. Obtaining the actual original definition of a function is done using a modified version of find-function-noselect, which provides for M-x el-patch-validate and M-x el-patch-ediff-conflict.

When you call M-x el-patch-unpatch, the patch definition is resolved again and the original version is installed by evaluating it.

But does it actually work?

It doesn't seem to crash my Emacs, at least.

Contributor guide

Please see the contributor guide for my projects.