

Iaito Translations

This repository holds translations for the Iaito project.


How does it work?

The Translations.ts file is uploaded regularly from Iaito repository.

This will allow our translation platform Crowdin to fetch new strings and add them to their inner project to allow people to update their translations when new strings are added into Iaito.

Once in a while, Crowdin will open a Pull Request in order to push newly translated strings. Once those are merged into master, the submodule in Iaito repository can be updated and will allow to have new translations for future releases.

How to update the Translations.ts

This file is generated from the iaito repository.

$ lupdate src/Iaito.pro -ts Translations.ts

Copy this file into the root of iaito-translations and run make.

How to help translating?

If anyone is willing to contribute, then please use the Crowdin web interface to do so.