


A Sketch plugin to add or toggle timestamps (last updated date) to the artboards on a page.

<img src = "https://github.com/rachit91/sketch-timestamp/blob/master/resources/assets/timestamp_main_gif.gif"/> <br>


<a href="https://sketchpacks.com/YOUR_NAME/PLUGIN_NAME/install"> <img width="160" height="41" src="http://sketchpacks-com.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/badges/sketchpacks-badge-install.png" > </a><br>
  1. Download latest .zip file via Github or <a href="https://github.com/rachit91/sketch-timestamp/blob/master/versions/timestamp-V1.sketchplugin.zip/">here</a>.
  2. Unzip and double click to install it.


Designs keeps changing; versions and versions of artboards/files keep coming in. I often find myself dating these different versions manually in the form of a text layer on an artboard which I change whenever I update the design. And then update the overall version of the design by renaming the sketch file and adding a date to it.

<b>What if this date updated on its own whenever I made changes to the designs?</b>

This is what 'Timestamp' is trying to achieve. A plugin to add and toggle the timestamps on the artboards in your sketch file. Once you add a timestamp, don't worry about editing it manually. It will automatically update when you change your designs (it is a locked layer - see the gifs below).

Specifically, this is what this plugin can do:


Timestamp canNotes
Add a timestamp to a single artboardSelect the artboard or a layer on the artboard and run the plugin
Add a timestamp to multiple artboards at onceSelect multiple artboards and run the plugin
Add a timestamp to all the artboards on a pageWithout selecting anything, run the plugin while on the page
Toggle timestamps on a pageSelect 'Toggle timestamps' from the menu to hide or show timestamps

Usage and shortcuts

<br> <img src = "https://github.com/rachit91/sketch-timestamp/blob/master/resources/assets/timestamp_1_gif.gif"/>


<br> <img src = "https://github.com/rachit91/sketch-timestamp/blob/master/resources/assets/timestamp_gif_2.gif"/>


<br> <img src = "https://github.com/rachit91/sketch-timestamp/blob/master/resources/assets/timestamp_gif_3.gif"/>



A message informing the user will be shown at the bottom of the screen if:





Have suggestions?

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me at <a href="mailto:rachitgupta75@gmail.com">rachitgupta75@gmail.com</a>.