Franka ROS Interface
A ROS interface library for the Franka Emika Panda robot, extending the franka-ros to expose more information about the robot, and providing low-level control of the robot using ROS and Python API.
Requires franka_ros version 0.6.0.
Provides utilites for controlling and managing the Franka Emika Panda robot (real and simulated. Contains exposed controllers for the robot (joint position, velocity, torque), interfaces for the gripper, controller manager, coordinate frames interface, etc. Also provides utilities to control the robot using MoveIt! and ROS Trajectory Action & ActionClient. This package also provides almost complete sim-to-real / real-to-sim transfer of code with the panda_simulator package.
Documentation Page:
- Low-level controllers (joint position, velocity, torque, impedance) available that can be controlled through ROS topics and Python API (including position control for gripper).
- Real-time robot state (end-effector state, joint state, controller state, etc.) available through ROS topics and Python API.
- Python API for managing controllers, coordinate frames, collision behaviour, controlling and monitoring the gripper.
- Python API classes and utility functions to control the robot using MoveIt! and ROS Trajectory Action Service.
- The panda_simulator package (which is Gazebo-based simulator for the robot) can also be controlled using this package (ROS and Python interface), providing almost complete sim-to-real transfer of code.
Demo Using PandaRobot API and Panda Simulator
Watch video here
Watch video here
Watch video here
NOTE: Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic with franka_ros version 0.6.0 (release). Version for ROS Kinetic is not maintained anymore. The latest updates to the package may not be compatible with Kinetic.
- libfranka (
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libfranka
or install from source). Make sure to use the release version if building from source. - franka-ros v0.6.0 (install from source). Make sure to use the release version if building from source. (
git checkout 49e5ac1
from the cloned franka_ros github repo.) - (optional, but recommended) franka_panda_description (See Related Packages section for information about package). NOTE: If you do not want to use the franka_panda_description package, make sure you modify the
file and replace all occurences offranka_panda_description
(two occurences).
Once the above dependencies are installed, the package can be installed using catkin:
cd <catkin_ws>
git clone src/franka_ros_interface
catkin build franka_ros_interface # or catkin_make
source devel/setup.bash
After building the package:
- Copy/move the file to the root of the catkin_ws
$ cp src/franka_ros_interface/ ./
- Change the values in the copied file (described in the file).
The 'driver' node can be started by running (can only be used if run in 'master' environment - see Environments section below):
roslaunch franka_interface interface.launch # (use argument load_gripper:=false for starting without gripper)
Available keyword arguments for launch file:
: start driver node with the Franka gripper (default:true
: load the available controllers to the controller manager (default:true
: start moveit server along with the driver node (default:true
: loads a default planning scene for MoveIt planning with simple objects for collision avoidance (default:true
). See
This starts the robot controllers and drivers to expose a variety of ROS topics and services for communicating with and controlling the robot. The robot's measurements and controllers can be accessed using ROS topics and services (see below too find out about some of the available topics and services), or using the provided Python API (also see PandaRobot).
The environments
Once the values are correctly modified in the
file, different environments can be set for controlling the robot by sourcing this file.
- For instance, running
./ master
would start an environment assuming that the computer is directly connected to the robot (requires Real-Time kernel set up as described in the FCI documentation). - On the other hand,
./ remote
would start an environment assuming that the robot is not connected directly to the computer, but to another computer in the network (whose IP must be specified in This way, if the 'master' is connected to the robot and running the driver node (see below), the 'remote' can control the robot (no need for Real Time kernel!) as long as they are in the same network. - Simulation environment can be started by running
./ sim
(only required when using panda_simulator package).
Basic usage of the API is shown in the
example file.
See documentation for all available methods and functionalities.
Some useful ROS topics
Published Topics:
ROS Topic | Data |
/franka_ros_interface/custom_franka_state_controller/robot_state | gravity, coriolis, jacobian, cartesian velocity, etc. |
/franka_ros_interface/custom_franka_state_controller/tip_state | end-effector pose, wrench, etc. |
/franka_ros_interface/joint_states | joint positions, velocities, efforts |
/franka_ros_interface/franka_gripper/joint_states | joint positions, velocities, efforts of gripper joints |
Subscribed Topics:
ROS Topic | Data |
/franka_ros_interface/motion_controller/arm/joint_commands | command the robot using the currently active controller |
/franka_ros_interface/franka_gripper/[move/grasp/stop/homing] | (action msg) command the joints of the gripper |
Other topics for changing the controller gains (also dynamically configurable), command timeout, etc. are also available.
ROS Services:
Controller manager service can be used to switch between all available controllers (joint position, velocity, effort). Gripper joints can be controlled using the ROS ActionClient. Other services for changing coordinate frames, adding gripper load configuration, etc. are also available.
Python API
Most of the above services and topics are wrapped using simple Python classes or utility functions, providing more control and simplicity. This includes direct control of the robot and gripper using the provided controllers. Refer README files in individual subpackages.
Related Packages
panda_simulator : A Gazebo simulator for the Franka Emika Panda robot with ROS interface, providing exposed controllers and real-time robot state feedback similar to the real robot when using the franka_ros_interface package. Provides almost complete real-to-sim transfer of code.
PandaRobot : Python interface providing higher-level control of the robot integrated with its gripper control, controller manager, coordinate frames manager, etc. with safety checks and other helper utilities. It also provides the kinematics and dynamics of the robot using the KDL library.
franka_panda_description : Robot description package modified from franka_ros package to include dynamics parameters for the robot arm (as estimated in this paper). Also includes transmission and control definitions required for the panda_simulator package.
Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Saif Sidhik