

*** Easy CLOG Builder Install for Mac ***

This version is based on sbcl 2.4.0 on arm and 2.2.9 on intel

You must have openssh-client installed e.g. (https://brew.sh/) brew install openssl

If you are using an intel Mac you need to mv sbcl.intel to sbcl

*** ./setup ***

This is used for a fresh brand new install. (To recreate a new install you can also delete the quicklisp directory and then run ./setup If you stored any projects in the quicklisp local projects you will want to save or move to the common-lisp directory at the root of the Easy install version.)

This will install the latest code from QuickLisp and UltraLisp. If you want a custom version of any packages place them in ~/common-lisp

./builder will be created, can run it from the command line, double clicking or drag to your application bar if using X.

*** ./make and ./update ***