

StopThePop - SIBR

This builds onto the SIBR viewer, and adds functionalities for interactive usage of the StopThePop Hierarchical Rasterizer, which is downloaded at build-time.

The gaussianviewer checks for a config.json file in the model root directory, and sets the GUI fields accordingly. It defaults to Vanilla 3DGS if no config exists.

We also added multiple additional debug view modes:

Additional Debug Functionalities

<img height="100%" src="assets/debug_func.png">

For a better debugging experience, we added two extra functionalities:

Debug Normalization

By default, the output values for debugging modes are normalized to lie within [0,1] and are subsequently output as either a Magma or a Turbo Colormap. We allow for manual normalization by ticking the checkbox Manual Normalization.

Statistics and Mouse Input

For each frame, we output detailed statistics for all values, which look like the following (here, we show the results for the Depth Debug View):

[SIBR] --  INFOS  --:	Depth for pixel (1900, -55): value=0, min=0.527305, max=32.5155, avg=3.9126, std=3.21768

To obtain the exact value for each pixel, tick Input With Mouse, where you can specify the pixel with manual input or with the mouse.


By ticking Timings, we output detailed timings for each stage of the 3DGS rendering pipeline, averaged over 128 iterations.

<section class="section" id="BibTeX"> <div class="container is-max-desktop content"> <h3 class="title">BibTeX</h2> <p>If you use any of our added functionalities, please be so kind to cite us:</p> <pre><code>@article{radl2024stopthepop, author = {Radl, Lukas and Steiner, Michael and Parger, Mathias and Weinrauch, Alexander and Kerbl, Bernhard and Steinberger, Markus}, title = {{StopThePop: Sorted Gaussian Splatting for View-Consistent Real-time Rendering}}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics}, number = {4}, volume = {43}, articleno = {64}, year = {2024}, }</code></pre> </div> </section>


SIBR is a System for Image-Based Rendering.
It is built around the sibr-core in this repo and several Projects implementing published research papers.
For more complete documentation, see here: SIBR Documentation

This SIBR core repository provides :

Details on how to run in the documentation and in the section below.
If you use this code in a publication, please cite the system as follows:

   author       = "Bonopera, Sebastien and Esnault, Jerome and Prakash, Siddhant and Rodriguez, Simon and Thonat, Theo and Benadel, Mehdi and Chaurasia, Gaurav and Philip, Julien and Drettakis, George",
   title        = "sibr: A System for Image Based Rendering",
   year         = "2020",
   url          = "https://gitlab.inria.fr/sibr/sibr_core"


Note: The current release is for Windows 10 only. We are planning a Linux release soon.

Binary distribution

The easiest way to use SIBR is to download the binary distribution. All steps described below, including all preprocessing for your datasets will work using this code.

Download the distribution from the page: https://sibr.gitlabpages.inria.fr/download.html (Core, 57Mb); unzip the file and rename the directory "install".

Install requirements

Make sure Python, CUDA and Doxygen are in the PATH

If you have Chocolatey, you can grab most of these with this command:

choco install cmake 7zip python3 doxygen.install cuda

## Visual Studio is available on Chocolatey,
## though we do advise to set it from Visual Studio Installer and to choose your licensing accordingly
choco install visualstudio2019community

Generation of the solution


Compilation of the documentation


Some scripts will require you to install PIL, and convert from ImageMagick.

## To install pillow
python -m pip install pillow

## If you have Chocolatey, you can install imagemagick from this command
choco install imagemagick


Bugs and Issues

We will track bugs and issues through the Issues interface on gitlab. Inria gitlab does not allow creation of external accounts, so if you have an issue/bug please email <code>sibr@inria.fr</code> and we will either create a guest account or create the issue on our side.

Cmake complaining about the version

if you are the first to use a very recent Cmake version, you will have to update CHECKED_VERSION in the root CmakeLists.txt.

Weird OpenCV error

you probably selected the 32-bits compiler in Cmake-gui.

Cmd.exe failed with error 009 or similar

make sure Python is installed and in the path.

BUILD_ALL or INSTALL fail because of a project you don't really need

build and install each project separately by selecting the proper targets.

Error in CUDA headers under Visual Studio 2019

make sure CUDA >= 10.1 (first version to support VS2019) is installed.

To run an example

For more details, please see the documentation: http://sibr.gitlabpages.inria.fr

Download a dataset from: https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/sibr-datasets/

e.g., the sibr-museum-front dataset in the DATASETS_PATH directory.

wget https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/sibr-datasets/museum_front27_ulr.zip

Once you have built the system or downloaded the binaries (see above), go to install/bin and you can run:

	sibr_ulrv2_app.exe --path DATASETS_PATH/sibr-museum-front

You will have an interactive viewer and you can navigate freely in the captured scene. Our default interactive viewer has a main view running the algorithm and a top view to visualize the position of the calibrated cameras. By default you are in WASD mode, and can toggle to trackball using the "y" key. Please see the page Interface for more details on the interface.

Please see the documentation on how to create a dataset from your own scene, and the various other IBR algorithms available.