


Network/WebApplication Information Gathering, Enumeration and Vulnerability Scanning Framework For Most Common Attacks Based On OWASP Methodology and P.T. Guide.

The XFramework Is a Light in Darkness

What Tools It You Can Use in TheXFramework ?


One Line Installation and Use :

sudo git clone https://github.com/r3dxpl0it/TheXFramework TXF && cd TXF && sudo chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh && ./xframework.py

Note : This Framework has Beed Developed In Kali Linux For Kali Linux ALthough you might also try it on any DEBIAN distro. please note that it if you want to use it On Parrot OS / Ubuntu Make Sure Every Single Package Have been Installed Successfully


usage: ./xframework.py -u <Target> [Options/Scans]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit

Required Options:
  -u URL, --url URL  root url

  --banner           Grab Target Banner
  --wafbanner        Agressive Banner Grabbing with Limited WAF detection
  --wafstress        Web Application Firewall Stress(Optional : Fuzzfile)
  --waf              Web ApplicationFirewall and Server Service Detection
  --cms              CMS Identifier
  --lfi              Local File Inclution Attack (Optional : Fuzzfile)
  --clickjack        clickjack Vuln Scan
  --tempi            Template Injection Attack
  --sqlimini         Pre-Enumeration Simple Sqli Attacks
  --sqliv            Enumeration Simple Sqli Attacks
  --sqlmap           Identify Databases with Sqlmap
  --sqlmapdump       Identify Databases with Sqlmap
  --xssmini          Pre-Enumeration Simple Cross Siting Scripting
  --xsspy            Pre-Enumeration Simple Cross Siting Scripting
  --drupal           Droopal Full Enumeration
  --wordpress        Wordpress Full Enumeration with wpscan
  --wordpress2       Wordpress Full Enumeration with wpseku
  --joomla           Joomla Full Enumeration with wpseku
  --golismero        Target Full Enumeration with golismero
  --raccoon          Raccoon Framework Full Scan
  --shellshock       Scan For shellshock
  --xssstrick        Scan a URL For XSS injection with XSS-Strick

Crawler Engine:
  --crawler          Run Crawler
  --deep             Run Crawler With Deep Depth
  --photon           Run Crawler With Minimized Photon Engine
  --photonold        Run Crawler With Photon Engine

What Would Make TheXFramework Very Intresting (Soon)

  1. We Aim to Add an Semi-Automation Process to TheXFramework In Very Near Future That would Also do Standard P.T. and V.A. For Targets
  2. Adding an Interprator That Aim to Log/History/Report Based on the The Commands and Output Function

What Is Under Development and What is The Future ?

This Options Are Under Development But They will be added to Version 2 of TXF

To Add In Future :