

TTPLA: An Aerial-Image Dataset for Detection and Segmentation of Transmission Towers and Power Lines

TTPLA is a public dataset which is a collection of aerial images on Transmission Towers (TTs) and Powers Lines (PLs). This is the official repository of paper TTPLA: An Aerial-Image Dataset for Detection and Segmentation of Transmission Towers and Power Lines.


The repository includes:

Preparation data:

  1. Modify resize_image_and_annotation-final.py to use the target image dimension (line 10). Then, call the script using python resize_image_and_annotation-final.py -t <images_path>. It will produce new folder called sized_data.

  2. Then call remove_void.py to remove void label if you would like to remove it. python remove_void.py -t <sized_images_path>. It will produce new folder called newjsons, you may renamed to whatever is fit.

  3. Based on three lists of train.txt, test.txt, and val.txt, split_jsons.py is used to split the created newjsons to three folders train , val, and test to prepare this before get the COCO json file.You can use the following command. python split_jsons.py -t newjsons/. It will produce new folder called splitting_jsons, you may renamed to whatever is fit.

  4. Use labelme2coco_2.py to get the COCO_json that used by Yolact. python labelme2coco_2.py splitting_jsons/train_jsons/. This step is done for three folders train_jsons , val_jsons, and test_jsons.

Tips to use our files directly

Train Model:

For train image for example with size 700x700,

python train.py --config=yolact_img700_val_config --batch_size=8 --resume=weights/yolact_img550_108_12253_interrupt.pth

For evaluation,

python eval.py --config=yolact_img550_secondtest_config --mask_proto_debug --trained_model=weights/weights_img550_resnet50/yolact_img550_400_30061_resnet50_sep7_2217.pth --fast_nms=false


Image SizeBackboneconfigsweights
640 x 360Resnet50config_img640_resnet50_aspect.pyyolact_img640_secondval_399_30000_resnet50.pth
550 x 550Resnet50config_img550_resnet50.pyyolact_img550_399_30000_resnet50.pth
700 x 700Resnet50config_img700_resnet50.pyyolact_img700_399_30000_resnet50.pth
640 x 360Resnet101config_img640_resnet101_aspect.pyyolact_img640_secondval_399_45100_resnet101.pth
550 x 550Resnet101config_img550_resnet101.pyyolact_img550_399_45100_resnet101_b8.pth
700 x 700Resnet101config_img700_resnet101.pyyolact_img700_399_45100_resnet101_b8.pth


Average Precision for Different Deep Learning Models on TTPLA is reported in the following table



  title={TTPLA: An Aerial-Image Dataset for Detection and Segmentation of Transmission Towers and Power Lines},
  author={Abdelfattah, Rabab and Wang, Xiaofeng and Wang, Song},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision},


For questions about our paper or code, please contact Rabab Abdelfattah.