

Solc-js web worker example

This repository contains a simple example of how to use the solidity compiler with a web worker.

Install the dependencies

npm install

Build the bundle

mkdir dist
npx browserify -t babelify ./worker.js > ./dist/bundle.js


You need to serve the bundle.js and index.html files. You can do it by starting a simple python webserver at on port 8000 with the command below:

python -m http.server --bind

Then run the command below to open your browser in the designed host and port. We are using chromium in this example:


Open your browser's developer tools window. You should see the following output under the console tab:

Solc version: 0.8.19+commit.7dd6d404.Emscripten.clang
Bytecode of contract C: 6080604052348015600f57600080fd5b50606d80601d6000396000f3fe6080604052348015600f57600080fd5b506004361060285760003560e01c806326121ff014602d575b600080fd5b60336035565b005b56fea26469706673582212204dee7eda7c96abadf53d8ad34d2f816b418a1638ece1b2547012769873bb852964736f6c63430008130033

Alternative fetch

If you want to fetch the solcjson.js without using the importScripts method, you can apply the eval.patch in the example to see a possible alternative.

To apply the patch do: git am eval.patch

WARNING: Please be aware of the consequences when using eval.