

:sparkles: Advent of Code 2022 :sparkles:

Exercise DescriptionSolution
Day 1: Calorie Countingpy
Day 2: Rock Paper Scissorspy, alt1, alt2
Day 3: Rucksack Reorganizationpy
Day 4: Camp Cleanuppy
Day 5: Supply Stackspy
Day 6: Tuning Troublepy, alt
Day 7: No Space Left On Devicepy, alt
Day 8: Treetop Tree Housepy
Day 9: Rope Bridgepy
Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tubepy
Day 11: Monkey in the Middlepy
Day 12: Hill Climbing Algorithmpy
Day 13: Distress Signalpy
Day 14: Regolith Reservoirpy
Day 15: Beacon Exclusion Zonepy

My solutions from previous years: