

<div align="center"> <img src=".github/logo.png" alt="Quickgui" width="256" />


An elegant virtual machine manager for the desktop

Made with 💝 for <img src=".github/tux.png" align="top" width="24" alt="Tux (Linux)"/>

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Quickgui is a graphical user interface for the Quickemu virtual machine manager. Quickgui enables you to create and manage virtual machines from a simple and elegant interface. Nearly 1000 operating systems supported including Windows, macOS, BSDs, and 100s of Linux distros. All with automated downloads and configuration.


Quickgui depends on Quickemu. Most package managers will automatically install Quickemu when you install Quickgui.

If you don't have Quickemu installed then go and follow the Quickemu installation steps for your operating system:


A .deb package is available for Debian on our release page.


A .rpm package is available for Fedora on our release page.




Stable releases of Quickgui are published to FlakeHub for NixOS users. See the Quickemu flake on FlakeHub for more details:


Add Quickgui to your systemPackages. For example:

systemPackages = with pkgs; [


Ubuntu users can install Quickgui using the .deb package described above for Debian or from our PPA.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:flexiondotorg/quickemu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install quickgui

Other Linux

We provide an AppImage and a pre-compiled binary of Quickemu in a .zip file.


The AppImage should work on most Linux distributions.

Pre-compiled binary


To compile the Quickgui yourself:

The compiled binary will be in build/linux/x64/release/bundle/quickgui. You can run it with:



<div align="center"> <small><b>Main Screen</b></small><br /><br /> <img src="assets/github/screenshot_01_main.png" width="346" height="290" alt="Quickgui Main screen"> </div>


<div align="center"> <small><b>Downloader</b></small><br /> <img src="assets/github/screenshot_02_downloader.png" width="346" height="290" alt="Quickgui Downloader"> </div>


<div align="center"> <small><b>Manager</b></small><br /> <img src="assets/github/screenshot_03_manager.png" width="346" height="290" alt="Quickgui Manager"> </div>

When a VM is running, Quickgui will display the host ports that are mapped to the SPICE and SSH ports on the guest. These ports are used to connect to the guest for display and SSH access.


If you close the SPICE display and wish to reconnect, you can click the "Connect display with SPICE" button. To open an SSH session, you can click the "Connect with SSH" button.

If the "Connect display with SPICE" button is disabled, the spicy client cannot be found. Ensure it is installed, and in your PATH (it should have been installed with quickemu).


If the "Connect with SSH" button is disabled, an SSH server cannot be detected on the guest. Most guest operating systems will not install an SSH server by default, so if it was not an option during installation, you will need to install one yourself. It must be listening on port 22 (the default SSH port). Once a server is installed and running, it should be detected automatically.

"Connect with SSH" will open a terminal and attempt to connect to the guest. If the connection is successful, you will be prompted for the password. If the connection is unsuccessful, you might need to remove the host key for the guest from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file using something like ssh-keygen -R [localhost]:22220.